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Entity Entity Type
Kane County Trunked Systems (19) Trunked
Kane County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
Kane County Category
Consolidated Dispatch Centers Category
EMS Agencies and Hospitals Category
Municipalities and Districts Category
Schools Category
Schools Transportation Companies Category
Higher Education Category
Illinois State Category
Federal Government Category
Airports Aircraft / Airport
Attractions and Recreation Business Group
Businesses and Media Business Group
Hospitals Business Group

Illinois State Police Troop ... (formerly District 2)

Please click the WIKI for more information (Scanning Info, Websites, Unit IDs, Tones-Outs, Unidentified Frequencies, etc.)

Police and Fire Unit IDs  WIKI


Kane County

KaneComm - Kane County Sheriff

The only KaneComm ops remaining on VHF appear to be fire dispatch. (6/1/21)
See the WIKI for additional information

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Sheriff dispatch is on talkgroup 3326 (Encrypted). Other talkgroups are in use as well. (6/1/21)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.055WPGW377 BM 107.2 PL IREACH 107.2 Statewide Interagency Mutual Aid [Ch 3] FMN Interop
460.025KYH768 RM Kane SheriffJC1 Sheriff: Corrections [JC1] DMR Corrections
460.3875KD43801 RM 051 DPL Kane SheriffJC2 Sheriff: Corrections Officers [JC2] (Units 400s) FMN Corrections
460.075KYH768 RM Kane SheriffJC3 Sheriff: Court Security [JC3] DMR Corrections
453.5375WPMH836 RM 192.8 PL Kane SheriffJC4 Sheriff: Juvenile Detention Center [JC4] FMN Corrections
154.955 M Kane SheriffJail Sheriff: Jail Transport Vans FMN Data
477.9375WPQA919 RM Kane Sheriff AVL Police: Automatic Vehicle Locators Telm Data
478.0125WPQA918 RM Kane Sheriff MDT Police: Mobile Data Terminals Telm Data
KaneComm - Kane County 911

* Fire North is multicast with 151.3175 (100.0 PL) in Hampshire and (part time) on STARCOM21 talkgroup 3347. (3/24)
* Fire South is being multicast (part time, carrier squelch mode) on STARCOM21 talkgroup 3349. (3/24)

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.0475WQLF265 RM 167.9 PL Kane Fire North Fire Dispatch: North (Burlington, Fox River, Hampshire, Pingree Grove) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.385KNBG264 BM 110.9 PL Kane Fire N Tac Fire Tac: North FMN Fire-Tac
154.325KNBG264 RM 173.8 PL Kane Fire South Fire Dispatch: South (Big Rock, Kaneville, Maple Park) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.070KNBG264 BM 110.9 PL Kane Fire S Tac Fire Tac: South FMN Fire-Tac
Kane County Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

* 9100-series units.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Primary communication have reportedly moved to (encrypted?) talkgroups 3335 (Main), 3336 (2) and 3337 (3).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.1725WPPF602 RM 072 DPL Kane OEM Primary EMA: Primary Operations FMN Emergency Ops
158.745WNNI237 RM 103.5 PL KLERN Kane Local Emergency Radio Network (OEM Main Back Up) FMN Emergency Ops
158.745WNNI237 RM 146.2 PL Kane OEM Tac EMA: Command Van Tactical Repeater FMN Emergency Ops
Kane County
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.225WQKN547 RM 072 DPL KDOT Ops Highway Maintenance/Plows FMN Public Works
158.745WNNI237 RM 103.5 PL Kane AC/Zone Animal Control / Zoning FMN Public Works
466.8125 M 732 DPL Kane Fair AS Kane County Fair: ASI Security [Ch 1] FM Security
469.500 M 172 DPL AS Security2 Kane County Fair: ASI Security [Ch 2] FMN Security

Consolidated Dispatch Centers

Tri-Com 911 Central Dispatch

* Police dispatch has moved to STARCOM21 (see below).  The former 470.9375 dispatch repeater is available for use as a back-up.
* Fire dispatch traffic is now on STARCOM21 (see below).  VHF fire repeaters are used for tone-out and mutual aid only. 

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Batavia, Geneva and St. Charles Police dispatch appear to be on talkgroup 11021 (encrypted). Elburn, South Elgin and Sugar Grove Police dispatch appears to be on talkgroup 11022 (encrypted). Batavia, Elburn, Geneva and St. Charles Fire dispatch is on talkgroup 11044. North Aurora and Sugar Grove Fire dispatch is on talkgroup 11045.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
470.9375KZU852 RM 162.2 PL TriCom SC21 B/U Police: Back-up to STARCOM21 Dispatch FMN Law Dispatch
470.6125KZU852 RM 162.2 PL TriCom Police 3 Police: Former Alternate [Ch 3/4] FMN Law Tac
471.100KZU852 RM 94.8 PL TriCom Police 5 Police: Former Special Events [Ch 5/6] FMN Law Tac
471.275KZU852 RM 71.9 PL TriCom Police 7 Police: Former Special Events [Ch 7] FMN Law Tac
158.235WPLT574 RM 107.2 PL TriCom FireNorth Fire: North Dispatch - Elburn/Batavia/Geneva/St Charles FMN Fire Dispatch
154.7925WQID617 RM 174 DPL TriCom FireSouth Fire: South Dispatch - Sugar Grove/North Aurora FMN Fire Dispatch
QuadCom 911

Police: Barrington Hills, Carpentersville, East Dundee, Sleepy Hollow, South Barrington, West Dundee
Fire: 155.7375 (77.0 PL) tone-outs only?  Carpentersville Fire (90s-series units), East Dundee FPD (40s-series units), West Dundee Fire (30s-series units), Rutland Dundee FPD (50s-series units)

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Used for all QuadCom dispatch/operations. It appears that all police talkgroups are encrypted. Legacy VHF/UHF frequencies might be retained and used in the event of a SC21 system failure.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
478.925WQOC769 RM 127.3 PL QCom Police (Former) Police Dispatch FMN Law Dispatch
471.1625WIJ476 RM 127.3 PL QCom Police1 (Former) Police Dispatch [Ch 1] FMN Law Dispatch
155.430KSF256 BM CSQ QC PoliceAlt (Former) Police Alternate FMN Law Tac
156.150 M 100.0 PL QC PD c2c5 (Former) Police Car-to-Car [Ch 5] FMN Law Tac
156.140 M CSQ QC PD D/SH (Former) Police Car-to-Car (E/W Dundee, Sleepy Hollow) FMN Law Tac
470.900WQLQ595 RM 127.3 PL QCom Law 1 (Former) Police Dispatch (Carpentersville) FMN Law Dispatch
471.050WQLQ595 RM QCom Law 2 (Former) Police [Ch 3] FMN Law Dispatch
155.430KSF256 BM 67.0 PL QC Police F3 (Former) Police Alternate FMN Law Dispatch
859.4375WNNS499 RM QC PD MDTs Police Mobile Data Terminals (ICJIA) Telm Data
155.7375WQIA364 RM 77.0 PL QuadCom Fire Fire/EMS Dispatch Tone-Outs FMN Fire Dispatch
154.430WNJM549 BM 77.0 PL QC FireAdmin Fire Admin / School Storm Warning FMN Fire-Talk
KenCom Central Dispatch

See Kendall County.

KenCom dispatches for Montgomery PD, Montgomery FPD and Aurora Twp FPD as well as most agencies in Kendall County.

EMS Agencies and Hospitals

Elgin Medi-Transport
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
471.9875WPPU799 RM 110.9 PL Elgin Medi-Trans Elgin Medi-Transport FMN EMS Dispatch
First Care Ambulance (Aurora)

*need coverage area and/or station location(s)

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.800WNKJ240 RM 503 DPL FCHS EMS EMS: Operations FM EMS Dispatch
Ridge Ambulance Service (Montgomery)
Operations on talkgroup 1103
Hospitals - Patient Reports

For hospital operations frequencies, see the Hospital page

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.400KWE887 BM 110.9 PL MERCI4 110.9 Patient Reports: Primary {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
155.325KWE887 BM 110.9 PL Sherman325 Patient Reports: Secondary {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
155.340KWE887 BM 110.9 PL MERCI1 Patient Reports (also statewide 210.7) {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
155.340WPYS730 BM 110.9 PL MERCI1 110.9 Patient Reports - Primary (Delnor Hospital) FMN Hospital
155.340WQBR678 B 114.8 PL MERCI1 114.8 Patient Reports - Secondary (Saint Joseph Hospital) FMN Hospital
155.340WQBR678 B 186.2 PL MERCI1 186.2 Patient Reports (Mercy Medical Center) FMN Hospital
155.340WQYG612 B 186.2 PL MERCI1 186.2 Patient Reports (Copley Medical Center) FMN Hospital
155.400WQBR678 B 110.9 PL MERCI4 110.9 Patient Reports - Primary (Saint Joseph Hospital) FMN Hospital
463.050KXT866 B 110.9 PL MED-3 110.9 Patient Reports: Primary {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
155.400WPYS730 BM 110.9 PL MERCI4 110.9 Patient Reports (Delnor Hospital) FMN Hospital
463.050WPWJ640 B 110.9 PL MED-3 110.9 Patient Reports - Primary (Saint Joseph Hospital) FMN Hospital
463.100KXT866 RM 110.9 PL MED-5 110.9 Patient Reports: Secondary {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
463.100WPWJ640 B 110.9 PL MED-5 110.9 Patient Reports - Secondary (Saint Joseph Hospital) FMN Hospital
463.125WPWJ640 B 110.9 PL MED-6 110.9 Patient Reports - Itinerant (Saint Joseph Hospital) FMN Hospital
463.175WPWJ640 B 110.9 PL MED-8 110.9 Patient Reports - Tertiary (Saint Joseph Hospital) FMN Hospital
463.125KXT866 RM 110.9 PL MED-6 110.9 Patient Reports: Itinerant {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
463.175KXT866 RM 110.9 PL MED-8 110.9 Patient Reports: Tertiary {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
463.000WPWJ640 RM 186.2 PL MED-1 186.2 Patient Reports (Mercy Medical Center) FMN Hospital
463.175KXT866 RM 210.7 PL MED-8 210.7 Patient Reports: Statewide {Sherman Hospital} FMN Hospital
155.340 BM 114.8 PL MERCI1 114.8 Patient Reports (St Charles) (Delnor Hospital) FMN Hospital

Municipalities and Districts

Townships and Water Districts
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.240WQIH220 BM AuroraTwp Road1 Aurora Township Road Maitenance FMN Public Works
158.895KL5602 M AuroraTwp Road2 Aurora Township Road Maitenance FMN Public Works
156.2175WQIJ733 M Bata Twp Snow Batavia Township Snow Plows FMN Public Works
151.805 BM 464 DPL Bata Twp Snow NL Batavia Township Snow Plows (no license) FMN Public Works
158.745 BM 516 DPL Big Rock Twp Hwy Big Rock Township Highway Department FMN Public Works
151.3475WQGN773 M 134 DPL BlckbrryTwp Road Blackberry Township Road District FMN Public Works
151.130KNEN658 RM 167.9 PL BurlngtnTwp Road Burlington Township Highway Department (reported as R) FMN Public Works
153.755KCX409 BM 103.5 PL Campton Twp Rds Campton Township / W Dundee Roads FMN Public Works
155.7225WQXN386 BM CC 5
TG 225
SL 1
CamptonTwpHwy Campton Twp Highway District DMR Public Works
158.180 M CC 2
TG 1
SL 1
Elgin Twp Snow Elgin Township Snow Plows DMR Public Works
45.280KLR362 RM RFWRD Sewer Fox River Water Reclamation District: Sewer Treatment Plants FMN Public Works
45.800KNFC511 M HmpshreTwp Roads Hampshire Township Roads FMN Public Works
451.0625WPMK560 M MCWRD Water Mill Creek Water Reclamation District: Water Meter Reading [Expired] FMN Data
158.745 RM 466 DPL SgrGrov Twp Road Sugar Grove Township: Road Maintenance (D464 in) [NO LICENSE] FMN Public Works
156.105WQUA390 M Virgil Twp Road Virgil Township Road District (Maple Park) FMN Public Works
Aurora / Naperville Public Safety (OpenSky)
OpenSky 9600 baud
All city communications (as of 12/1/10). Should be switching to SC21 in the future
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Aurora PD units (RIDs 100039xx-100041xx) have been noted with brief transmissions on talkgroups in roughly the 35000-35011 range. Most of these transmission have been encrypted (10/21)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.015KD44023 M 127.3 PL Aur AnimCntr Animal Control Facility [Term] FMN Public Works
154.965KNGG675 BM 127.3 PL Aurora ESDA ESDA (w/ N Aurora) [Expired] FMN Emergency Ops
155.895WNWK746 BM 127.3 PL Aur PubWrks1 Public Works FMN Public Works
155.940WNWK746 BM 127.3 PL Aur PubWrks2 Public Works FMN Public Works
453.7875KD47028 M 244 DPL AuroraWater1 Water Department: Ops FMN Public Works
458.7875KD47028 M AuroraWater2 Water Department: Ops FMN Public Works
159.6675WQKW882 BM Aur WaterDpt Water Department (Voice/Data) FMN Public Works
464.550WPCI438 M 612 DPL Aurora CCA Aurora Civic Center Authority FMN Business
Aurora Township Fire Protection District

800-series units, dispatched by KenCom Public Safety Dispatch in Kendall County.
- 155.5425 (167.9) F1 Fire (repeats 153.8675)
- 154.1525 (162.2) F2 Fire (repeats 159.0675)
* See Wiki page for additional information

Barrington Hills

Portions of the Barrington Hills are located in four counties, Cook, Kane, Lake, and McHenry. Police dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21 (see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above).  Fire/EMS services provided by five different fire protection districts, see this page for more information.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police Dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21 (encrypted).

* Police (3-series units) and Fire (0-99-series units) dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on STARCOM21 (see below).
* Police car-to-car and public works confirmed on the City of Batavia Capacity Plus system (see below).  Usage for talkgroups 200 and 204, unknown, additional information needed. (2/24)

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on talkgroup 11021 (encrypted). Fire dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on Fire North talkgroup 11044, with Batavia Fire Ops on talkgroup 11054.
City of Batavia
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
Various city operations. Talkgroup 201 is a simulcast of the 155.040 police car-to-car channel [Channel 5].
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.040KCN814 BM 107.2 PL Bat PD c2c5 Police: Car-to-Car [Ch 5] (Base at "Records") FMN Law Tac
154.965KIZ618 BM Bat PD c2c7 Police: Car-to-Car [Ch 7] FMN Law Tac
155.955KIZ618 BM 107.2 PL Bat EMA F7 ESDA: Weather Siren Activation [Ch 7] (also WSI953) FMN Emergency Ops
460.600KBB992 RM 110.9 PL Bat Fire OSR Fire: On-Scene Repeater FMN Fire-Tac
463.1625KW8776 M Bat Fire MX Fire: Rescue/EMS Mobile Extenders or RF Links (Low Power) FMN Fire-Tac
155.040KCN814 B 107.2 PL Bat PW/Snow Public Works / Snow Plows (also Police Ch-5) FMN Public Works
151.160WNYG691 B 423 DPL Bat Park Ops Park District: Operations FMN Public Works
159.390WNYG691 B Bat Park Alt Park District: Alternate FMN Public Works
Big Rock

Big Rock Fire Protection District (1500-series units) is dispatched by KaneComm on Fire South (154.325, 173.8 PL).

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.415WNLM937 BM 192.8 PL BigRock Fire Fire: Local Alternate FMN Fire-Tac

* Burlington Community Fire Protection District (1300-series units) dispatched by KaneComm on Fire North (151.0475 167.9 PL).

Campton Hills

Campton Hills Police are dispatched by KaneComm on STARCOM21 (see below).  Back-up reported on 159.150 (107.2 PL).

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police currently dispatched by KaneComm, possibly on talkgroup 3326 (encrypted).

Fire (90s-series units, Stations 91-93) and Police are dispatched by QuadCom (see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above).

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police (encrypted) and Fire are dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.150 M 100.0 PL Carp Police Police: Local Alternate [Ch 5] FMN Law Tac
154.025WQTZ987 RM 97.4 PL Carp PubWrks 1 Public Works [Ch 1] FMN Public Works
153.9575WPQI535 M Carp PubWrks 3 Public Works [Ch 3] FMN Public Works
460.5375WPMJ389 M Carp WDD 1 Water Department: Towers Telm Data
451.050WPMV641 M Carp WDD 2 Water Department: Meters Telm Data
451.1125WPGJ775 M Carp WDD 3 Water Department: Towers Telm Data
Dundee Township
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.180KRL411 BM 173.8 PL DundTwp Roads Road Commission FMN Public Works
159.225WPUC895 M DundTwp ParkV1 Park District FMN Public Works
159.255WPUC895 M DundTwp ParkV2 Park District FMN Public Works
159.405WPUC895 M DundTwp ParkV3 Park District FMN Public Works
453.3125WPTU917 RM DundTwp ParkU1 Park District (Carpentersville) FMN Public Works
453.7375WPUC895 RM DundTwp ParkU2 Park District (Dundee) FMN Public Works
458.7625WPTU917 M DundTwp ParkU3 Park District: Simplex FMN Public Works
452.0375WPXF972 M DundTwp ParkW1 Park District: Water Dept FMN Public Works
456.2875WPXF972 M DundTwp ParkW2 Park District: Water Dept FMN Public Works
457.0375WPXF972 M DundTwp ParkW3 Park District: Water Dept FMN Public Works
462.3625WPXF972 M DundTwp ParkW4 Park District: Water Dept FMN Public Works
East Dundee

Police dispatched by QuadCom, see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police (encrypted) dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.055WRD515 RM EDundee PWrk Public Works FMN Public Works
East Dundee-Countryside Fire Protection District

40s-series units, Station 41.  Dispatched by QuadCom (see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above) on STARCOM21.  Tone-outs on 155.7375 (77.0 PL).  Serves portions of the villages of East Dundee, South Barrington, Barrington Hills and unincorporated Kane & Cook Counties.
KSF846 - add 151.0325, 155.7375 Base/Mobile (NFM)

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21.

Police (4-series units) and Fire (300-series units) dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on STARCOM21 (see below).

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on talkgroup 11021 (encrypted). Fire dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on Fire North talkgroup 11044, with Fire Ops on talkgroup 11055.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.875WPCY380 M 565 DPL Elb PW/PD A2 Public Works / Police: Alternate (also input to 159.2025) FMN Public Works
158.880WPCY380 M 114.8 PL Elb PW/PD A3 Public Works / Police - Talk-Around FM Public Works
159.2025WPCY380 RM 114.8 PL Elb PubWrks Public Works FMN Public Works

* Public Works use cell phones for communications.
* Hemmens Cultural Center - see Kane County Attractions and Recreation page.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Elgin Police is encrypted (Talkgroup 1563) and Fire is in the clear (Talkgroup 1551) (as of 1/15/14)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.130KSB220 RM 114.8 PL Elg PoliceLB Police: Car-to-Car "Low Band" FMN Law Talk
154.9875KSB220 RM Elg PD NEW1 Police: Future FMN Law Dispatch
159.2775KSB220 RM Elg PD NEW2 Police: Future FMN Law Dispatch
156.150KSB220 M Elg PD 15615 Police: Car-to-Car (or input to new R) FMN Law Tac
155.835KWO666 BM CSQ Elgin Fire Fire: Future Use FMN Fire-Talk
853.4875WPHX763 RM 156.7 PL Elgin FG Fireground FMN Fire-Tac
460.575KNEA320 RM 123.0 PL ERFA Ops1 Elgin Regional Fire Academy [Ch 1] [Term] FMN Fire-Tac
460.625KNEA320 M 123.0 PL ERFA Ops2 Elgin Regional Fire Academy [Ch 2] [Term] FMN Fire-Tac
451.025WPSL244 M Elgin Meters Meter Reading Telm Data
453.9875WQHD243 M BCCC Golf 1 Bowes Creek County Club: Golf Course Ops FMN Business
458.9875WQHD243 M BCCC Golf 2 Bowes Creek County Club: Golf Course Ops FMN Business
Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District (St. Charles)

* 18xx-series units, dispatched by KaneComm on Fire North (151.0475 167.9 PL).
* See Wiki page for additional information

Fox Valley Park District (Aurora)

* Police dispatched on/by Aurora on the OpenSky system. Also has access to Kane Co. Sheriff channels.
* Blackberry Farm is licensed for a 152.4225 repeater (with 157.7025 input), possible use of Color Code 11, Talkgroup 1000, Slot 1 reported  WRCM599 (7/24)

*See Wiki page for additional information.  Formerly Fox River Valley Park District.

Fox Valley Park District - Aurora IL
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Encrypted CapacityPlus system.
Aurora / Naperville Public Safety (OpenSky)
OpenSky 9600 baud
D/B Aurora 9-1-1
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.265WQOZ819 RM 141.3 PL FRVPD Police Ops / Park Police: Car-to-Car FMN Law Talk
159.405 M 141.3 PL FRVPD PD c2c Ops (portable) (still in use?) FMN Law Talk
154.600 M 136.5 PL FV PD BlkFrm Blackberry Farms FMN Business
159.405 M 226 DPL Splash CountryW Splash Country Water Park FMN Business

- Police (2-series units) and Fire (200-series units) dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on STARCOM21 (see below).
- Emergency Management Agency (EMA) uses "2-EMA-x" radio callsigns.
- See wiki page for additional frequency information.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on talkgroup 11021 (encrypted). Fire dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on Fire North talkgroup 11044, with Fire Ops on talkgroup 11053. EMA has utilized interop talkgroups like 30300 for their operations.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
471.100KZU852 RM 94.8 PL TriC Police5 Police FMN Law Tac
471.275KZU852 RM 71.9 PL TriC Police7 Police FMN Law Tac
470.475KZU852 M Gnva PD MX Police: Mobile Extenders FMN Law Tac
154.965KWH720 BM 107.2 PL Gnva EMA Wx7 EMA: Weather Alerts [Ch 7] FMN Emergency Ops
154.025KDV361 RM Gnva Utility Utilities/Public Works / Police: Car-to-Car [Ch 5] DMR Public Works
458.8125KD21173 M Geneva WDD Utilities: Digital Remote Control (CSQ) Telm Data
453.1625WPVM338 RM 141.3 PL Geneva Pk 141.3 Geneva Park District: Maintenance Ops FMN Public Works
453.1625WPVM338 RM 71.9 PL Geneva Pk 71.9 Geneva Park District: Operations FMN Public Works
453.1625WPVM338 RM 91.5 PL Geneva PK 91.5 Geneva Park District: Operations FMN Public Works

Police (6100-series units?) dispatched by KaneComm on STARCOM21 (see below), with 159.150 (107.2 PL) reported as the back-up.  Fire/EMS provided by Rutland-Dundee Fire Protection District, which is dispatched by QuadCom.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
KaneComm police dispatch has moved to to an encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup (3326?).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.1875WQJE414 M Gilbert PWrk Public Works FMN Public Works

* Police (400-series units) dispatched by KaneComm on STARCOM21 (see below), with 159.150 (107.2 PL) as a reported back-up.  Hampshire Fire Protection District (1400-series units) dispatched by KaneComm on 151.3175 (100.0 PL), which is multicast with Fire North (151.0475 167.9 PL).

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
KaneComm police dispatch has moved to to an encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup (3326?).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.3175KDY393 RM 100.0 PL Hampshire Fire Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
159.000KDY393 M Hampshire FD MX Fire: Mobile Extenders to repeater input (? repeater) FMN Fire-Tac
151.790WRFX346 BM Hampshire PW Public Works FMN Public Works
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.4975KBH342 RM 71.9 PL HFPD Local Fire: Local Operations FMN Fire Dispatch

Kaneville Volunteer Fire Department (1600-series units) is dispatched by KaneComm on Fire South 154.325 (173.8 PL).

Maple Park

Village with a small portion located in eastern De Kalb County.
Police dispatched by KaneComm on STARCOM21 (see below), with 159.150 (107.2 PL) as a reported back-up.  Maple Park and Countryside Fire Protection District (1100-series units) dispatched by KaneComm on Fire South (154.325, 173.8 PL).

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
KaneComm police dispatch has moved to to an encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup (3326?).
Montgomery Police (453.575, 156.7 PL), Montgomery and Countryside Fire Protection District (4100-series units, 155.5425 167.9 PL), and Aurora Township Fire Protection District (800-series units, 155.5425 167.9 PL) are dispatched by KenCom in Kendall County.
Fire District boundary maps for all the departments
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
852.275WNSS277 RM 065 DPL SG/M Police Police: Former Dispatch FMN Law Talk
155.565 BM 632 DPL M/SG PD Alt Police: Alternate [Ch 1] / Weather Siren Activation FMN Emergency Ops
154.040KZF631 BM 127.3 PL Mntgmry EMA EMA: Operations (Civil Defense) FMN Emergency Ops
153.4625WRAC542 BM 1 RAN Mntgmry PW Public Works [TG 96] NXDN48 Public Works
154.040KZA274 F 632 DPL Mntgmry PW Public Works (OOS?) FMN Public Works
453.6625KD50970 F Mntgmry WDD Public Works Telemetry Telm Data
Montgomery-Countryside Fire Protection District

Dispatch by KenCom in Kendall County (4100-series units, 155.5425 167.9 PL)

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.1375WQGL587 RM 118.8 PL MCFPD Disp Fire: Dispatch - New FMN Fire Dispatch
154.250WRXL233 BM 107.2 PL MCFPD Old Fire: Dispatch - Old FMN Fire Dispatch
North Aurora

Police dispatched on unmonitorable OpenSky trunked system (see below).

Fire (500-series units) dispatched by Tri-Com on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly dispatched on 151.4075 repeater, which was simulcast with 154.7925 D174 Fire South repeater.  159.990 was input to both. Repeater was also shared with Sugar Grove.

*WQNW435 - EMA - 151.430 repeater with 153.7625 input (NFM/DMR)

Aurora / Naperville Public Safety (OpenSky)
OpenSky 9600 baud
North Aurora Police is using this unmonitorable system.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Fire dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on Fire South talkgroup 11045, with Fire Ops on talkgroup 11056.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.955KNGG675 BM 107.2 PL Bat EMA F7 Citywide: Police, Fire, Local Govt [Expired] FMN Multi-Talk
151.4075WQKG794 RM 654 DPL NAurora Fire Fire: Dispatch [DB: Tricom] FMN Fire Dispatch
151.625 M NA River Rsq River Rescue Team FMN Fire-Talk
155.235WPQB867 RM NAurora EMS EMS [Expired, still in use?) FMN EMS-Tac
155.085KNIB612 BM NAur PWorks Public Works [Expired, lic to FPD] FMN Public Works
Pingree Grove

* Police dispatched by KaneComm on STARCOM21 (see below).  Back-up reported on 159.150 (107.2 PL).

* Pingree Grove (& Countryside) Fire Protection District (1200-series units) dispatched by KaneComm on Fire North (151.0475 167.9 PL), which is also simulcast on 151.3175 (100.0 PL).

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police currently dispatched by KaneComm, possibly on talkgroup 3326 (encrypted).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.400KNGG364 M PngrGrv Fire Fire: Local Alternate (FPD) FMN Fire-Tac
Rutland-Dundee Townships Fire Protection District

50s-series units, Stations 51 and 52.  Dispatched by QuadCom (see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above) on STARCOM21, tone-outs on 155.7375 (77.0 PL).

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21.
Sleepy Hollow

Police (encrypted) dispatched by QuadCom (see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above) on STARCOM21.  Fire and EMS services provided by Rutland Dundee Township Fire District.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police (encrypted) dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21.
South Elgin

*South Elgin-Countryside Fire Protection District - Dispatched by Elgin Dispatch on STARCOM21, 153.32 MHz as a back-up. (7/18)
*South Elgin Parks and Recreation - WQJQ242 - Portables on 159.4575 (NFM)

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
It appears that South Elgin Police are now being dispatched by Tri-Com on talkgroup 11022 (encrypted). Fire (Stations 21-23) dispatched by Elgin Communications on talkgroup 1551, with access to other Elgin Fire talkgroups (1552-1561).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.320KSJ277 RM 226 DPL SE/C Fire Old Fire: Operations - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
153.860WNMY256 BM 110.9 PL SElg PW/EMA Public Works / EMA FMN Public Works
451.4375WQJX334 F SElg Alarms Alarm Monitoring Data Telm Data
457.7625WPXQ802 F SElg Meters Meter Reading Equipment Telm Data
St. Charles

* Police (1-series units) and Fire (100-series units) dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on STARCOM21 (see below).
* Emergency Management Agency has been heard using STARCOM21 talkgroup 11066. (5/21)

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on talkgroup 11021 (encrypted). Fire dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on Fire North talkgroup 11044, with St. Charles Fire Ops on talkgroup 11052. Emergency Management Agency has been heard using talkgroup 11066.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.685WNRR252 M 107.2 PL StCh PD Alt Police: Local Alternate FMN Law Tac
151.835 M 203.5 PL StCh PD c2c5 Police: Car-to-Car [Ch 5] FMN Law Tac
151.625 M StCh PD c2c Police: Car-to-Car FMN Law Tac
154.755KRZ934 RM 100.0 PL StCh ESDA ESDA: Operations FMN Emergency Ops
155.160KRZ934 BM 107.2 PL StCh ESDA/PD ESDA / Police: Alternate FMN Emergency Ops
155.955WSI953 M 107.2 PL Bat EMA F7 ESDA [Expired 12/14] FMN Emergency Ops
458.5625WPFE412 M StCh Library Public Library District [expired 6/14] FM Public Works
155.775WNRC883 M 100.0 PL StCh Utilities 1 Utilities: Mobile / Snow Plows (No longer in use?) FMN Public Works
158.7675WNRC883 RM 162.2 PL StCh Utilities 2 Utilities / Snow Plows FMN Public Works
151.235KZZ384 BM 173.8 PL StChrls Park Park District FMN Public Works
Sugar Grove

*Police (5xxx-series units) dispatched (encrypted) on STARCOM21 by Tri-Com 911 Central Dispatch.
*Fire and Ambulance (900-series units) dispatched on STARCOM21 (and VHF Tri-Com Fire South repeater?) by Tri-Com Central Dispatch.
*Sugar Grove Fire Protection District covers both the Village and Township of Sugar Grove.

*WPLG344 - 461.500 repeater for Maintenance/Security for Village Ops (Police Dept) (NFM/DMR)

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on talkgroup 11022 (encrypted). Fire protection district dispatched by Tri-Com Central Dispatch on Fire South talkgroup 11045, with Sugar Grove Fire Ops on talkgroup 11057.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.565 M 127.3 PL M/SG PD Alt Police: Car-to-Car/Alternate FMN Law Tac
155.865WNLB846 RM 174 DPL SGrv PW/PD Public Works / Police: Alternate FMN Public Works
Sugar Grove Township

Sugar Grove Fire Protection District


Police dispatched by KaneComm on STARCOM21 (see below) with 159.150 (107.2 PL) as a reported back-up.
Fire by West Chicago FPD and St. Charles Fire.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
KaneComm police dispatch has moved to to an encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup (3326?).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.540 M 71.9 PL Wayne Police Police: Alternate / Car-to-Car FMN Law Tac
West Dundee

*Fire (30s-series units, Stations 31 and 32) and Police dispatched by QuadCom (see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above) on STARCOM21.

*KCX409 add: 471.1625 R, 151.0325, 155.7375 BM, 159.0075 153.755 M

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police (encrypted) and Fire dispatched by QuadCom on STARCOM21.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.755KCX409 M WDundPDc2c Police: Car-to-Car FMN Law Tac


Aurora Schools

See Wiki page for additional frequencies.

Also see East Aurora School District 131 (below)

Also see West Aurora School District 129 (below)

Batavia School District 101

See Wiki page for additional frequencies.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
456.5375WQKQ938 M Batv Admin 1 Admininstrative Center DMR Schools
462.3125WQKQ938 M Batv Admin 2 Admininstrative Center DMR Schools
463.8375WQKQ938 RM Batv Admin 3 Admininstrative Center DMR Schools
467.9125WQKQ938 M Batv Sch S/W Statewide Ops DMR Schools
452.3125WQKQ938 RM Batv RM Sch Rotolo Middle School DMR Schools
463.7875WQKQ938 RM Batv LW Sch Louise White School DMR Schools
451.5875WQKQ938 RM Batv Hi Sch 1 Batavia High School DMR Schools
461.8875WQKQ938 RM Batv Hi Sch 2 Batavia High School DMR Schools
Central Community Unit School District 301 (Burlington)

* See Wiki page for additional frequency information

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.475WQCS258 RM CC 9
TG 10
SL 1
CCSD301 Buses Transportation Operations DMR Schools
464.475WQCS258 RM CC 9
TG 20
SL 2
CCSD301 Maint District Maintenance Operations DMR Schools
462.225WQCS258 RM CntrlSchool2 Operations FMN Schools
Community School District 303 (St. Charles)

See Wiki page for additional frequencies.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.8775WQOT632 RM 110.9 PL CSD303 Buses Buses FMN Schools
Community Unit School District 300 (Carpentersville)

See Wiki page for additional frequencies

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.2625WQIP415 RM CUSD300 Sec1 Security (Low Power R? at Hampshire) DMR Schools
462.3125WQIP415 RM CUSD300 Sec2 Security (Low Power R? at Hampshire) DMR Schools
451.2375WQJK806 RM CUSD300 Ops1 Operations (Hampshire) FMN Schools
451.7375WQJK806 RM CUSD300 Ops2 Operations (Hampshire) FMN Schools
452.8625WQJK806 RM CUSD300 Ops3 Operations (Hampshire) FMN Schools
47.580KVQ669 BM 146.2 PL CUSD300 Bus1 Buses (to become 47.66) FMN Schools
47.600WQDC586 BM CUSD300 Bus2 Bus Transportation FMN Schools
47.660KVQ669 BM CUSD300 Bus3 Bus Transportation (was 47.58 146.2 PL ?) FMN Schools
East Aurora School District 131

See Wiki page for additional frequencies.

Ventronics - DMR (Metro Chicago)
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
TG 1 is used for both East Aurora School District 131 (contracted bus fleet/drivers) and West Aurora School District 129 (own bus fleet/drivers) 
Elgin Academy

Independent K-12 School.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
467.7625WPLE605 M Elgin Acadmy Operations FMN Schools
Geneva Community Unit School District 304

See WIKI page for additional frequencies

Ventronics - DMR (Metro Chicago)
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Bus operations
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.225WQKG680 BM Gen Sch Bus Buses FMN Schools
151.925KNIC852 BM 174 DPL Gen Sch Ops1 Operations (CUSD #304) FMN Schools
452.1875WPKS220 RM Gen Sch Ops3 Maintenance/Admin (low power repeater?) FMN Schools
463.225WPKS220 RM 179.9 PL Gen Sch Ops4 Operations FMN Schools
451.9875WPKS220 M 411 DPL Gen Sch Ops A Portables FMN Schools
Huntley Consolidated School School District #158

See McHenry County

Illinois Math and Science Academy (Aurora)

See wiki for frequency information.

Indian Prairie School District #204 (Aurora)

* Also See DuPage County

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.225WPPA707 RM IPSD204 Ops1 Operations (Aurora-Kane) FMN Schools
452.475WPPA707 RM IPSD204 Ops2 Operations (Aurora-Kane) FMN Schools
463.425WPRU441 BM IPSD204 Ops3 Operations (5 S 700 Eola Rd-Aurora) FMN Schools
462.075WPRX231 BM IPSD204 Ops4 Maintenance (3000 Village Green Dr-Aurora) FMN Schools
462.400WPRX231 BM IPSD204 Ops5 Maintenance (460 Inverness Dr-Aurora) FMN Schools
462.425WPRU248 BM IPSD204 Ops6 Maintenance/Security/Ops (2700 Sonebridge Blvd-Aurora) FMN Schools
463.275WPRU248 BM IPSD204 Ops7 Maintenance/Security/Ops (995 Long Grove Rd-Aurora) FMN Schools
Kaneland Community Unit School District 302 (Elburn/Maple Park)

See Wiki page for additional frequencies.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
460.0375 RM 047 DPL KSD302 Buses Buses (unlicensed) FMN Schools
452.825WPMT367 RM 466 DPL KSD302 Ops 1 Operations (Maple Park) FMN Schools
452.825WPMT367 RM 74.4 PL KSD302 Ops1B Maintenance/Operations FMN Schools
461.9375WPJS550 M KSD302 Ops 2 Operations FMN Schools
Mooseheart Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.655KRO912 BM MCCS Ops-1 Mooseheart Child City and School: Ops FM Schools
464.650WNNF239 RM MCCS Ops-2 Mooseheart Child City and School: Ops FM Schools
School District U 46 (South Elgin/Elgin)

* Streamwood High School is located in Cook County.  Bartlett High School is located in DuPage County.
* See wiki page for additional frequency information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.750WPZP427 RM CC 6
TG 22
SL *
U46 Adm/Sec Admin/Security (Elgin) DMR Schools
461.7375WPZP427 RM U46 Ops 2A Operations (Elgin) FMN Schools
463.5375WPZP427 RM U46 Ops 4A Operations (South Elgin) FMN Schools
461.650WPZP427 RM U46 Ops 5A Operations - S Elgin HS FMN Schools
462.0125WPZP427 RM U46 Ops 5B Operations - S Elgin HS FMN Schools
463.950WPZP427 RM CC 6
TG 24
SL 2
S Elgn HS B South Elgin HS DMR Schools
463.950WPZP427 RM CC 6
TG 14
SL 1
S Elgn HS A South Elgin HS DMR Schools
453.6875WREZ439 BM CC 6
TG 1
SL 1
U46 Bus Main Transportation: Main Dispatch DMR Schools
453.6875WREZ439 BM CC 6
TG 2
SL 2
U46 Bus T/A Transportation: Talk-around DMR Schools
460.6375WREZ439 RM CC 4
TG 3
SL 1
U46 Bus Emergncy Transportation: Emergency DMR Schools
460.6375WREZ439 RM CC 4
TG 4
SL 2
U46 Bus Shop Transportation: Shop DMR Schools
St. Charles Community Unit School District 303

*see Wiki page for additional info and frequencies

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.235 BM 631 DPL StCh SchBus1 School Buses [No License] FMN Schools
155.235 BM 546 DPL StCh SchBus2 School Buses [No License] FMN Schools
Two Rivers Head Start (Plato Center)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.125WPMW524 RM 156.7 PL 2RHdStrt Bus Buses FMN Schools
West Aurora School District 129

See wiki page for additional information. 

West Aurora School District 129
DMR Conventional Networked
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.715WQFY876 RM CC 1
TG 1001
SL 1
AurSch Buses Transportation - District-Wide DMR Schools
464.675WQET774 RM 413 DPL AurWHS Ops3 Events/Teachers (High School) FMN Schools
464.9125WQET774 RM 116 DPL AurWHS Ops4 Maintenance/Security (High School) FMN Schools
456.4125WQET774 M 413 DPL W Aurora Ops 1 Operations (Ch 1) FMN Schools
456.6375WQET774 M 023 DPL W Aurora Ops 2 Operations (Ch 2) FMN Schools
456.7625WQET774 M 054 DPL W Aurora Ops 3 Operations (Ch 3) FMN Schools
457.0875WQET774 M 506 DPL W Aurora Ops 4 Operations (Ch 4) FMN Schools
457.1875WQET774 M 143 DPL W Aurora Ops 5 Operations (Ch 5) FMN Schools
462.2375WQET774 M 245 DPL W Aurora Ops 6 Operations (Ch 6) FMN Schools
462.2875WQET774 M 664 DPL W Aurora Ops 7 Operations (Ch 7) FMN Schools
467.2375WQET774 M 306 DPL W Aurora Ops 8 Operations (Ch 8) FMN Schools
452.4125WQET774 M 155 DPL W Aurora Ops 9 Operations (Ch 9) FMN Schools
457.4125WQET774 M 165 DPL W Aurora Ops 10 Operations (Ch 10) FMN Schools

Schools Transportation Companies

Durham School Services

See wiki for frequency information

First Student
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.5125WQBJ594 RM FS Bus Aurora Operations (Aurora) FMN Schools
464.250WPUP635 RM 306 DPL FS Bus Batavia Operations (Batavia) FMN Schools
Illinois Central School Bus
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.225WQLZ425 RM 051 DPL ICSB StCharles Operations (St Charles) FMN Schools
463.4625WQLZ425 RM ICSB Aurora 2 Operations Aurora) (D051?) FMN Schools

Higher Education

Aurora University

See Wiki page for additional information.

Aurora University
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Campus Police and operations.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
467.1375WQKD983 M 466 DPL AU Ops Ch 4 Operations (Ch 4) FMN Schools
Elgin Community College

*see Wiki page for additional frequencies.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Talkgroups 3541-3545.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.700WPMQ984 RM 162 DPL ECC Security Security FMN Security
451.6625WQCN747 RM ECC Ops 1 Operations (Trunked DMR) FMN Schools
452.2125WQCN717 RM ECC Ops 2 Operations (Trunked DMR) FMN Schools
463.2375WQCN717 RM ECC Ops 3 Operations (Trunked DMR) FMN Schools
464.775WNQN925 RM 88.5 PL ECC Maintnce Maintenance FMN Schools
158.460WNYB726 B CSQ ECC Paging Paging FM Data
Judson University (Elgin)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.100WPYQ411 RM JU Op/Sec/E1 Operations/Admin/Security/EMS FMN Schools
466.5375WPYQ411 M JU Op/Sec/E2 Operations/Admin/Security/EMS FMN Schools
466.6375WPYQ411 M JU Op/Sec/E3 Operations/Admin/Security/EMS FMN Schools
466.7625WPYQ411 M JU Op/Sec/E4 Operations/Admin/Security/EMS FMN Schools
Waubonsee Community College (Sugar Grove)

* Frequencies below are also licensed for DMR.
* See Wiki page for more information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.145WQJX956 RM WCC Security Security FMN Security
151.895KZZ870 BM 127.3 PL WCC Maintenc Maintenance FMN Schools
159.720KZZ870 RM CC 9
TG 901
SL 1
WBB Ops Operations, Athletics and Maintenance (Downtown Aurora Campus repeater) DMR Schools

Illinois State

Phoenix Emerging Adult Career & Education (PEACE) Center - St Charles

453.025 453.35 453.875 KKU681 (Former Illinois Youth Center)

Elgin Mental Health Center
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.350KOF601 RM 186.2 PL EMHC Securty Security FMN Security
453.875KOF601 M EMHC Ops Operations FMN Business
458.6125KOF601 M EMHC Data Data Telm Data

Federal Government

Fermi Lab (Batavia)

Fire Department - 700-series units.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
411.225 BM FL Security Security (analog conventional) FMN Security
169.600 BM FL Shuttle Fermi Shuttle FMN Transportation
164.250 RM 127.3 PL FL Lab Ops Lab/Plant: Operations FMN Federal
167.925 RM 156.7 PL FL Sec/Fire Security/Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
173.000 BM 88.5 PL FL Security Tac Security Tac, Simulcast of 165.200 EWS FMN Security
165.200 BM 136.5 PL FL Sitewide EWS Sitewide Emergency Warning System FMN Federal
407.400 B 114.8 PL FL Accel Ops Accelerator Division Operations FMN Federal
168.450 B FL Rds/Grnds Roads and Grounds FMN Federal
164.275 B FL ExpAreas Experimental Areas FMN Federal
167.975 B FL Paging Paging FMN Data