DMR-MARC Ontario Amateur Repeater Network

Site: Worldwide

Unique DB ID: 23686
County: Systemwide

WW - Global calling TG from the DMR-MARC Network. Contacts should move to a UA or TAC TG
TAC - Used by 2 or more Hams on 2 or more repeaters without necessarily busying out hundreds of repeaters and/or multiple IPSC networks
UA - Similar to the TAC TG's but provided by the DMR-MARC Network

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 45.7716 Longitude: -78.9536 Range: 350 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC Slot Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1*TWW-CallWorldwide - CallingHam
10*TWW-GermanWorldwide - GermanHam
11*TWW-FrenchWorldwide - FrenchHam
13*TWW-EnglishWorldwide - EnglishHam
14*TWW-SpanishWorldwide - SpanishHam
15*TWW-PortugeseWorldwide - Portuguese Ham
16*TWW-ItalianWorldwide - ItalianHam
20*TWW-GermanWorldwide - GermanHam
22*TWW-DutchWorldwide - DutchHam
91*TWW-Short QSOWorldwide - Short QSO'sHam
222*TWW-ItalianWorldwide - Italian Ham
240*TWW-SwedishWorldwide - SwedishHam
244*TWW-FinnishWorldwide - FinnishHam