Nebraska State Radio System

Site: Department of Correctional Services

Unique DB ID: 17561
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.5378 Longitude: -99.7951 Range: 240 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60125eaddDeNDCS TransferInmate TransfersCorrections
60126eadeDNDCS OCCOmaha Correctional Center/Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility TransportationCorrections
60127eadfDNDCS NCYFNebraska Correctional Youth FacilityCorrections
60128eae0DNDCS CCCOCommunity Corrections Center - OmahaCorrections
60129eae1DNDCS NSPNebraska State Penitentiary - LincolnCorrections
60130eae2DNDCS DECDiagnostic and Evaluation Center - LincolnCorrections
60131eae3DNDCS LCCLincoln Correctional CenterCorrections
60132eae4DNDCS CCCL Community Corrections Center - LincolnCorrections
60133eae5DNDCS TSCITecumseh State Correctional Institution Corrections
60134eae6DNDCS NCCWNebraska Correctional Center for Women - YorkPublic Works
60135eae7DNDCS WEC Work Ethic Camp - McCookCorrections