Spartanburg County / Spartanburg County

Subcategory: EMS & Rescue

Unique DB ID: 493

Spartanburg County EMS is a division of Spartanburg Regional Medical Center and provides all emergency medical service in Spartanburg County. They operate exclusively on Palmetto 800 - one Page/Tone-out talkgroup, one primary and one secondary dispatch talkgroup, one Ops talkgroup, and a separate Hospital "Med" (Ambulance to ER) talkgroup for each hospital. The "340" Med frequency is used by ambulances from other agencies to contact ERs in the County. 

Palmetto 800
Project 25 Phase II
Spartanburg Co. EMS communications are carried on the Palmetto P25 trunked radio system (see Spartanburg County talkgroups).

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 34.93098 Longitude: -81.96075 Range: 23 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.340KVJ975 BM 85.4 PL Rescue HEAR Rescue to Hospital Reports (HEAR) FM Hospital