Comlink Wireless (Metro Chicago Passport)

System Name: Comlink Wireless (Metro Chicago Passport)
Location: Chicago, IL
County: 4 Counties
System Type: LTR Standard and Passport
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: April 22, 2018, 7:30 am CDT   [Changed Site # 050 (Chicago) to 050 (Chicago (Water Tower Place))]
System Notes

(Current as of 6/2015)

Lakeland Communications, Inc TRS (Shared with Comlink Wireless)

UHF LTR Trunking System (LTR Standard w/PassPort Interconnect)
BOTH Gurnee, Lake Zurich & Chicago are IP connected for LTR/PassPort Roaming/Simulcast.  Some repeaters do stand-alone DMR as well.


Much more info on the system wiki page.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
050 (32) Chicago (Water Tower Place) Cook 01 451.837502 451.87505 454.1125
054 (36) Gurnee (aka Warren Township) Lake 01 452.80003 451.987504 454.100
052 (34) Lake Zurich Lake 03 452.75005 464.350 


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
0-01-001ALakesideBusLakeside Bus CoBusiness
0-01-003AFlashCabBckpFlash Cab LTR Packup (PassPort Failsoft TG)Business
0-03-099ARadio TechsRadio TechsBusiness
0-03-101APaceParaTranPace ParatransitBusiness
0-03-103A03-103invsnUNID? (Voice Inversion w/MDC)Business