Toledo Board of Education (Public Schools)

System Name: Toledo Board of Education (Public Schools)
Location: Toledo, OH
County: Lucas
System Type: LTR Standard and Passport
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: December 22, 2011, 11:57 am CST   [Updated Talkgroups (1 Updated)]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Scott High School 01 451.40002 461.12503 463.47504 464.00005 464.425 
002 (2) McKessan School 01 452.02502 452.70003 464.02504 464.300  
003 (3) Healthmark Pavillion 01 452.05002 452.65003 461.15004 463.30005 464.100 
004 (4) Administration Complex 01 451.95002 452.20003 462.25004 463.27505 464.725 
005 (5) Bowser High School 01 451.837502 452.237503 461.22504 463.37505 464.675 
006 (6) Libbey High School 01 451.72502 452.10003 452.737504 461.60005 464.600 
007 (7) Waite High School 01 451.85002 452.25003 452.72504 461.52505 463.200 
008 (8) Start High School 01 451.82502 452.85003 462.20004 463.22505 464.800 
009 (9) Transportation 01 451.77502 452.30003 462.07504 462.37505 463.35006 454.075c
010 (A) Woodward High School 01 452.22502 452.45003 463.65004 464.40005 464.900 
901 (385) Confirmed LCNs 10 451.775     


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