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Milwaukee County

Milwaukee County

The Oraganization of Affiliated Secure Interoperable RF Subsystems (OASIS) P-25 system, now known as WiPSN, is the primary communications system for most all county and muncipal public safety and govervnment services.

Some agencies in Milwaukee County still have access to the lowband MAC channels but these are generally unused.

Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.375KEU855 RM 136.5 PL MCOEMSIREN Office of Emer Mgmt - Siren Control FMN Emergency Ops
855.7375WPIQ496 RM MCEMSNBU County EMS North Backup M13 P25 EMS Dispatch
856.7375WPIQ496 RM MCEMSSBU County EMS South Backup N13 P25 EMS Dispatch
852.850WPUD932 M 19A NAC MCSO4 Sheriff F4 Car to Car P25E Law Talk
Milwaukee County Transit System
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Primary communications.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
853.550WNWI428  RM MC Transit GPS Transit GPS Locator Data Telm Data
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220WPYQ972 BM 97.4 PL Cudahy FD Fire Paging FMN Fire Dispatch
154.415WNHN699 M 167.9 PL Cudahy FG Fireground - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
158.745KTW480 BM 127.3 PL Cudahy DPW Public Works FMN Public Works
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220KAS632 BM 97.4 PL Franklin FD Fire Paging - Backup FMN Fire Dispatch
154.325KNFM241 M 97.4 PL Franklin FG Fireground - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
155.790KSG516 RM 97.4 PL Franklin PD Police - Backup FMN Law Talk
453.550KSV752 RM 141.3 PL Franklin DPW Public Works FMN Public Works
464.425WPQH847 RM 226 DPL Franklin Schools Franklin Public Schools FMN Schools
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220KAS632 BM 118.8 PL Greendale FD Fire Paging - Backup FMN Fire Dispatch
154.415WNHN699 M 167.9 PL Greendale FG Fireground - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
155.085KTE460 BM 103.5 PL Greendale PW Public Works FMN Public Works
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
Hales Corners

Fire Dispatched With Greendale Fire

Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220WPIY659 BM 118.8 PL HalesCorn FD Fire Paging - Backup FMN Fire Dispatch
154.415WNHN699 M 167.9 PL HalesCorn FG Fireground - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
155.085KTE460 BM 103.5 PL HalesCorn PW Public Works FMN Public Works

Primary communications for the city of Milwaukee utilize a Harris Opensky digital radio system format which cannot be decoded by any currently available radio scanner. A Project 25 Phase II 700 MHz simulcast trunking system is being implemented in 2024.

There are limited on-demand patches to the Milwaukee County/Waukesha County OASIS P25 digital system for interoperability.

Milwaukee Public Safety and Services
OpenSky 9600 baud
Primary communications system for public safety and government service agencies for the city of Milwaukee.
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies. Milwaukee Fire Dispatch is simulcast on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.640KSA536 RM 127.3 PL State Tac State VHF Interop FMN Law Tac
453.400KSA536 B Milw Paging City Government Paging (Voice and Data) FMN Data
453.975KTE608 RM 156.7 PL Milw CityHall FM Facilities Management - City Hall FMN Public Works
453.525 RM 146.2 PL Milw Library Public Library System FMN Public Works
453.525 RM 114.8 PL Milw Museum Public Museum FMN Public Works
453.800WQOS858 RM 311 DPL MMSD Ops Milwaukee Metro Sewerage District Plant Operations FMN Public Works
458.0375KB33153 M 156.7 PL Port of Milw A Port of Milwaukee FMN Public Works
458.1375KB33153 M 156.7 PL Port of Milw B Port of Milwaukee FMN Public Works
453.700KLD824 RM 103.5 PL Milw Schools A Public Schools Maintenance FMN Schools
464.425 BM 118.8 PL Milw Schools B Public Schools FMN Schools
464.675 BM 118.8 PL Milw Schools C Public Schools FMN Schools
North Shore

Covers the following communities: Village of Bayside, City of Brown Deer, Village of Fox Point, City of Glendale, Village of River Hills, Village of Shorewood and Village of Whitefish Bay.

Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.340WNSL463 RM 141.3 PL NShore FD 1 Fire Paging FMN Fire Dispatch
154.445KDY394 BM 97.4 PL NShore FD 2 Fireground - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
152.2925WQTP692 RM 503 DPL Fox Point DPW Fox Point Public Works FMN Public Works
151.115 BM 88.5 PL Glendale DPW Glendale Public Works FMN Public Works
156.180KTR500 BM 97.4 PL River Hills DPW River Hills Public Works FMN Public Works
155.085WQNI558 RM 114 DPL Shorewood DPW Shorewood Public Works FMN Public Works
155.820WQMN429 RM 205 DPL WhitefishBay DPW Whitefish Bay Public Works FMN Public Works
Oak Creek
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220KNNT924 BM 97.4 PL Oak Creek FD A Fire Dispatch - Alternate FMN Fire Dispatch
154.815WNHN699 RM 411 DPL Oak Creek FD BU Fire Dispatch - Backup FMN Fire Dispatch
154.415WNHN699 M 167.9 PL Oak Creek FG Fireground - Alternate FMN Fire-Tac
856.2125WRDA622 RM 210.7 PL Oak Creek DPW Public Works FMN Public Works
452.100WPPD571 F Oak Creek WS Water and Sewer Utility Telemetry Telm Data
463.5375WPIE294 RM 1 RAN Oak Creek HS 1 Oak Creek High School 1 NXDN48 Schools
463.9625WPIE294 M 88.5 PL Oak Creek HS 2 Oak Creek High School - 9th Grade Center FMN Schools
462.200WPIE294 RM 15 RAN Oak Creek MS 1 Oak Creek East Middle School NXDN48 Schools
468.9625WPIE294 M 97.4 PL Oak Creek MS 2 Oak Creek East Middle School 2 FMN Schools
463.5375WPIE294 M 114.8 PL Oak Creek MS 3 Oak Creek West Middle School FMN Schools
Saint Francis
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220KAS632 BM 97.4 PL St FrancisFD Fire Dispatch - Backup FMN Fire Dispatch
154.415WNHN699 M 167.9 PL St FrancisFG Fireground - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
152.3075WQUN526 RM 411 DPL St FrancisPW Public Works FMN Public Works
155.100KXM280 BM 167.9 PL St FrancisPW Public Works FMN Public Works
South Milwaukee
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220KAS631 BM 97.4 PL S Milw FD Fire Dispatch - Backup FMN Fire Dispatch
154.415WNHN699 M 167.9 PL S Milw FG Fireground - Backup FMN Fire-Tac
158.745KER998 BM 606 DPL S Milw DPW Public Works FMN Public Works
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.100KBC645 BM CSQ WauwatosaDPW Public Works - Backup FMN Public Works
West Allis
Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
858.4625WQBG515 RM 412 DPL WestAllis FD Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
West Milwaukee

Fire service is provided by City of Milwaukee.

Wisconsin Public Safety Network (WiPSN)
Project 25 Phase I
Shared system between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties for public safety and government service agencies.
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

Colleges and Universities

Alverno College
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.925WQGH354 RM CC 1
TG 800101
SL 1
Alverno Security Security DMR Security
451.650WQGH354 RM Alverno Ops Operations FMN Schools
464.600WQLH745 BM Alverno Ops Operations FMN Schools
Cardinal Stritch College
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.325KD29945 RM 118.8 PL Stritch Sec Security FMN Security
464.375KD29945 M 100.0 PL Stritch Ops Maintenance/Operations FMN Schools
Marquette University
Marquette University
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.685 M 244 DPL Marquette Athl Athletic Department FMN Schools
451.2375WQBV287 M Marquette Athltc Athletic Department FMN Schools
451.4625WQBV287 M Marquette Athl Athletic Department FMN Schools
452.3125WQBV287 M Marquette Athl Athletic Department FMN Schools
452.4875WQBV287 M Marquette Athl Athletic Department FMN Schools
464.525WNUP248 M 205 DPL Marquette Union Alumni Memorial Union FMN Schools
461.500WNUP248 M 205 DPL Marquette Arena Union Sports Annex FMN Schools
464.400KJQ590 BM Marquette Ops Operations FMN Schools
Medical College of Wisconsin
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.0625WQBV646 RM CC 1
TG 100
SL 1
MCW Security Public Safety DMR Security
462.1125WQBV646 RM CC 2
TG 100
SL 1
MCW Security Public Safety DMR Security
461.4125WQBV646 RM CC 1
TG 101
SL 1
MCW Facility Facilities DMR Schools
464.2625WQBV646 RM MCW Ops Operations FMN Schools
Milwaukee Area Technical College
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
460.2625KLU305 RM 1 RAN MATC HEC Public Safety: HEC Building NXDN48 Schools
460.2375KLU305 RM 1 RAN MATC Milw Public Safety: Milwaukee Campus NXDN48 Schools
460.3375KLU305 RM 1 RAN MATC Oak Crk Public Safety: Oak Creek Campus NXDN48 Schools
453.900KLU305 RM 1 RAN MATC Wlkr Sq Public Safety: Walker's Square NXDN48 Schools
460.1625KLU305 RM 1 RAN MATC W Allis Public Safety: West Allis Campus NXDN48 Schools
151.745WNUG426 M MATC Oak Crk Oak Creek Campus FMN Schools
151.925WNUG426 M MATC Oak Crk Oak Creek Campus FMN Schools
453.900KLU305 RM 179.9 PL MATC Milw Milwaukee Campus Backup FMN Schools
453.900KLU305 RM 94.8 PL MATC Oak Crk Oak Creek Campus Backup FMN Schools
453.900KLU305 RM 100.0 PL MATC W Allis West Allis Campus Backup FMN Schools
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.825WPGP940 RM 155 DPL MIAD Sec/Mnt Security/Maintenance FMN Schools
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Milwaukee School of Engineering
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
467.850WQHM788 M 67.0 PL MSOE OPS MSOE Operations FMN Schools
Mount Mary College
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.775WNVE864 RM 412 DPL Mt Mary Sec Security FMN Security
467.1125WNVE864 M 71.9 PL Mt Mary Coll Maintenance FMN Schools
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Fire service provided by the Milwaukee Fire Department. All non-public safety services are on UWM's TRS.

Wisconsin Interoperable System for Communications (WISCOM)
Project 25 Phase I
UW Police use WISCOM for Daily Operations
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
LTR Standard
All non-public safety services operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.1375 M 152 DPL UWM OPS A UWM Operations FMN Schools
856.2625WQSM319 BM UWM OPS B UWM Operations FMN Schools
857.2375WQSM319 BM UWM OPS C UWM Operations FMN Schools
858.4375WQSM319 BM UWM OPS D UWM Operations FMN Schools
Wisconsin Lutheran College
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.575WPMQ927 RM 031 DPL WI Luth Ops Operations FMN Schools
461.700WQAF806 RM 612 DPL WI Luth Mnt Security/Maintenance FMN Security