Businesses (Suffolk County)

Last Updated: May 8, 2024, 22:00 pm UTC



Smith Haven Mall
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.825WPKP355 RM 074 DPL SmithHav Sec Security FMN Security
461.900WPKP355 RM 331 DPL SmithHav H/K Housekeeping FMN Business
Tanger Outlets (Deer Park)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.4875WPWB463 RM 131.8 PL TangerDeerPk Tanger Outlets Deer Park - Security FMN Security
Tanger Outlets (Riverhead)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.050WPMP441 RM 77.0 PL Security Security/Housekeeping FMN Security
Walt Whitman Mall
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.525KNDL603 RM 271 DPL WaltWhit H/K Housekeeping FMN Business
464.975KNDL603 RM 192.8 PL WaltWhit Sec Security FMN Security

Other Businesses

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.515WQFC692 BM 179.9 PL SoOaksHospital South Oaks Hospital FMN Business
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.5125WPQB306 RM 516 DPL Viacom Ops Viacom Network Ops Center - Happauge FMN Business
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.435WQTM804 BM 306 DPL BestRideTaxi Best Ride Taxi FMN Transportation
461.400WPJU217 RM 031 DPL EDS Comm EDS Communications Service - Buses FMN Transportation
160.020WPPA587 BM 032 DPL HuntCoach3rd Huntington Coach (3rd Ave Base) FMN Transportation
160.170WPMP466 BM 032 DPL Hntn Coach Huntington Coach Corp. FMN Transportation
152.450WPRG793 BM 127.3 PL Lindys Bab Lindy's Taxi (Babylon) FMN Transportation
152.285WPEP838 BM 103.5 PL Lindys Smith Lindy's Taxi (Smithtown) FMN Transportation
452.975WPKG492 RM 77.0 PL Lindy's Taxi Lindy's Taxi East FMN Transportation
151.895WPAI881 BM 118.8 PL North Ferry North Ferry Company FMN Transportation
152.390WQGH466 BM 91.5 PL OrangeWhiteTaxi Orange and White Taxi FMN Transportation
461.900 BM 94.8 PL Ricar Medic Ricar Medical Transportation Services FMN Transportation
160.020WPOX517 BM 606 DPL Suff Yellow Cab Suffolk Yellow Cab (Deer Park) FMN Transportation
152.405WPTN476 BM 271 DPL Taxi El Universl Taxi El Universal FMN Transportation
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.745 RM 051 DPL Armar Cartng Armar Carting Corp. FMN Business
462.575 M 156.7 PL SC Fire Buffs Fire Buffs FMN Other
152.870KIP412 BM 156.7 PL Frank Bros Frank Brothers Fuel FMN Business
464.675WQUX965 BM 146.2 PL Hntn Hilton Huntington Hilton Security FMN Business
31.960WRJT910 RM CSQ Madigan Lowband Madigan T&F - Lowband operations FM Business
461.375WRJT910 RM 565 DPL Madigan Tactical Madigan T&F - Secondary Channel FMN Business
463.825WRJT910 M 503 DPL Madigan Training Madigan T&F - Training FMN Business
469.0125WPWI503 M CSQ McDnldsHunt McDonalds of Huntington Wireless Mics/Drive thru FMN Business
463.2125WQST214 M 103.5 PL Nat Bounty Nature's Bounty FMN Business
461.275 BM 71.9 PL Norcom Norcom Communications Corp. - SMR FMN Business
463.375 BM 179.9 PL Relay Comm Relay Communications Corp. FMN Business
462.175 BM 179.9 PL Relay Comm Relay Communications Corp. - Security FMN Security
463.650 BM 97.4 PL SC Doors Suffolk Overhead Door Co. FMN Business
478.0625 BM 82.5 PL Telmobile Telmobile - Snow Plows FMN Business
478.7875 BM 103.5 PL Telmobile Telmobile - Snow Plows FMN Business
30.640KJQ231 BM 82.5 PL WFMcCoyPetro WF McCoy Petroleum Delivery FM Business