Department of Corrections (DOC) (Michigan)

Last Updated: August 30, 2023, 13:49 pm UTC

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Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
Most wide-area communications are conducted over the MPSCS TRS.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.025KB65508 BM MDOC Statewide 1 Statewide 1 FMN Corrections
154.055WPDD990 BM MDOC Statewide 2 Statewide 2 FMN Corrections

Region 1 East - North

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.145WPDD990 RM 110.9 PL MDOC Freeland 1 Freeland Correctional 1 - Security FMN Corrections
153.875WNRQ583 RM 94.8 PL MDC Freeland Ops Freeland Correctional Ops FMN Corrections
158.8425WQYS408 RM 186.2 PL Freeland Prison Freeland Prison Ops FMN Corrections
155.745KVG942 RM MDOC Newberry Newberry Correctional - Security FMN Corrections
155.880WNXN956 RM 074 DPL Oaks Correct Sec Oaks Correctional - Security FMN Corrections
154.025KB63064 M 94.8 PL Saginaw Parole Saginaw Parole Office FMN Corrections
155.805WNQB949 RM MDOC Straights Straits Correctional - Security FMN Corrections

Region 1 West - U.P.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.790WPME490 RM 107.2 PL Alger Correc Sec Alger Correctional - Security FMN Corrections
155.085WNXN543 RM MDOC Baraga Baraga Correctional - Security FMN Corrections
159.0975WQJY868 RM Baraga Correct 2 Baraga Correctional 2 FMN Corrections
155.805WNQB949 RM 243 DPL MDOC Chippewa 1 Chippewa Correctional Facility #438 (Kincheloe) FMN Corrections
155.895WPOY494 RM 243 DPL MDOC Chippewa 2 Chippewa Correctional Facility #438 (Kincheloe) [No License for repeater output] FMN Corrections
153.935WNME738 RM 243 DPL MDOC Kinross 1 Kinross Correctional - Security 1 (Kincheloe--Chippewa) FMN Corrections
155.595WPYB464 RM 243 DPL MDOC Kinross 2 Kinross Correctional Facility 2 (Kincheloe--Chippewa) FMN Corrections
153.935WNME738 RM 118.8 PL MDOC Kinross 3 Kinross Correctional Facility 3 (Kincheloe--Chippewa) FMN Corrections
155.0625WQJY840 RM MDOC Marqutte Marquette FMN Corrections
154.025KBV943 RM MDOC Marquette 1 Marquette Branch Prison - Security FMN Corrections
153.875WNJZ904 BM MDC MrqtBrnc Sec Marquette Branch Prison - Security [MARQ2] FMN Corrections

Region 2 - Southwest

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.085KB92277 M MDC Batlle Creek Battle Creek (Calhoun) FMN Corrections
155.025WPPD426 RM 88.5 PL MDC CentralMich1 Central Michigan Correctional Facility - Security FMN Corrections
154.860WPNS587 RM 223 DPL MDC CentralMich2 Central Michigan Correctional Facility 2 - Security FMN Corrections
153.875KBH767 RM 127.3 PL MDOC Ionia 2 Ionia Correctional - Operations 2 FMN Corrections
453.675WNHV245 RM 118.8 PL MDOC Ionia 3 Ionia County 3 FMN Corrections
154.025KFY380 RM 233.6 PL MDOC Ionia 1 Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility 1 FMN Corrections
155.085WNFB275 RM MDC Ionia Temp 4 Ionia Temporary Facility FMN Corrections
154.9275WQEM478 RM MDOC Lakeland Lakeland Correctional (Coldwater-Branch) FMN Corrections
453.350WPQE250 RM Lakel Correctn 2 Lakeland Correctional (Coldwater-Branch) FMN Corrections
154.680WQAJ684 RM MDOC Lakeland 1 Lakeland Correctional 1 - External Security / MI Womens Justice - Clemency Project FMN Corrections
154.055WNDL306 BM Lakeland Correc2 Lakeland Correctional 2 (Coldwater-Branch) FMN Corrections
155.085WNRO222 RM 94.8 PL MDOC St Louis 2 St Louis 2 (Gratiot Co) FMN Corrections
155.190WPTN374 RM 123.0 PL MDOC St. Louis St. Louis Correctional - Security FMN Corrections

Region 3 - Southeast

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.920WNNV801 RM 107.2 PL MDOC Adrian Adrian Temporary Corrrectional Facility: Security (Harrison) FMN Corrections
453.675WPOZ310 RM Camp Tuscola Camp Tuscola - Security FMN Corrections
156.210WPPY605 M Cassidy Lake T/A Cassidy Lake - Talkaround (Washtenaw) FMN Corrections
154.7475WQPQ839 RM MDC Cassidy Lake Cassidy Lake Corrections (Washtenaw) FMN Corrections
156.210WPPC342 M CooperStreet Cor Cooper Street Correctional Facility FMN Corrections
154.055KA59304 BM MDOC Flint 1 Flint 1 FMN Corrections
154.025KA59304 BM MDOC Flint 2 Flint 2 FMN Corrections
154.055KUF621 BM MDCGuiidncCenter Guidance Center - Security (Charles Egeler RGC-Jackson Co) FMN Corrections
159.210WNNV801 RM 107.2 PL Gus Harrison CF Gus Harrison Corr Fac: Prison Security (Adrian-Lenawee Co) FMN Corrections
453.725WQJY867 RM 69.3 PL Huron Valley 1 Huron Valley - Primary FMN Corrections
453.2875WQJY867 RM 127.3 PL Huron Valley 2 Huron Valley - Secondary FMN Corrections
460.3375WQKB459 RM Huron Valley 4 Huron Valley 4 FMN Corrections
158.940WPCY423 RM MDOC Macomb 1 Macomb Correctional Facility 1 - Security New Haven) FMN Corrections
155.760WQGE216 RM MDOC Macomb 2 Macomb Correctional Facility 2 - Security FMN Corrections
154.025KB65508 M MDOC Mt Clemens1 Mount Clemens Correctional Facility (Macomb) FMN Corrections
155.865KB65508 M MDC Mt Clemens 2 Mount Clemens Correctional Facility (Macomb) FMN Corrections
156.165WNVD804 RM 107.2 PL Parr Highway Ops Parr Highway - Primary Ops (Adrian-Lenawee Co) FMN Corrections
154.025KNBB269 BM MDOC Plymouth 1 Plymouth 1 (Wayne) FMN Corrections
155.985KNBB269 BM MDOC Plymouth 2 Plymouth 2 (Wayne) FMN Corrections
154.025WPCD651 BM MDOC Pontiac Pontiac (Oakland) FMN Corrections
453.425WQEQ245 RM Thumb Correcton1 Thumb Correctional Facility 1 FMN Corrections
423.250WNKJ230 RM Thumb Correcton2 Thumb Correctional Facility 2 FMN Corrections
460.175WQBL501 M Thumb Correcton3 Thumb Correctional Facility 3 FMN Corrections
465.175WQBL501 M Thumb Correcton4 Thumb Correctional Facility 4 FMN Corrections
G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility (JCF) (Jackson)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.815WNJL686 RM 250.3 PL Jackson CF Ops 1 Operations 1 FMN Corrections
153.920WPPD427 RM 026 DPL Jackson CF Ops 2 Operations 2 FMN Corrections
154.025KGN500 RM 167.9 PL Jackson CF Ops 3 Cooper Street Correctional Facility 3 FMN Corrections
154.055WPYR898 RM 466 DPL Jackson CF Ops 4 Operations 4 FMN Corrections
155.070WPNP727 RM 223 DPL Jackson CF Ops 5 Operations 5 FMN Corrections
155.085WNFC816 RM 131.8 PL Jackson CF Ops 6 Operations 6 FMN Corrections
155.085WNFC816 RM 192.8 PL Jackson CF Ops 7 Operations 7 FMN Corrections
158.850WNFC816 M 141.3 PL Jackson CF Ops 8 Operations 8 FMN Corrections
159.270WQCG666 BM Parrell Correct9 Parrell Correctional Facility 9 FMN Corrections
453.350WQGF468 RM Cotton Street 10 Cotton Street 10 - Security FMN Corrections