See the WIKI for more information and unidentified frequency usage
Carlisle Syntec (Greenville IL) DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Operations |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.3825 | WQVL972 | RM | CC 7 TG * SL * |
CarSyn Data | Revert Data | DMR | Data |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.595 | WQPL666 | RM | 134 DPL | SC FS Grnvl | South Central FS (Greenville) | FMN | Business |
152.975 | WNUX332 | M | 125 DPL | Blnkshp Farm | Blankenship Farms (Mulberry Grove) [Expired 11/10] | FMN | Business |
154.490 | WQXI623 | RM | 351 DPL | Schewe Farm | Schewe, Bill: Farming (Greenville) | FMN | Business |
461.7875 | WQQA524 | RM | Sloan Imp Data 1 | Sloan Implement: Data (CSQ; Greenville) | Telm | Business | |
464.900 | WNUK711 | RM | 131.8 PL | Marchelo Farm | Mark Marchelo Farms (Smithboro) | FMN | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.550 | KFE380 | RM | 103.5 PL | Bond SrCtz-2 | Bond County Senior Citizens: Pickups/Deliveries | FMN | Transportation |
461.550 | KFE380 | RM | 162.2 PL | Bond SrCitzn | Bond County Senior Citizens | FMN | Transportation |
463.550 | WPIC225 | RM | 047 DPL | Whtsd 463.55 B | farmers (Whiteside, Ron-Greenville) | FMN | Business |
463.550 | WPIC225 | RM | 432 DPL | Whtsd 463.55 A | Whiteside, Ron (Greenville) | FMN | Business |
Service Companies / Utilities
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | AmerenIllinois main communications system |
Southwestern Electric Cooperative (IL) DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO) | Electrical Operations in multiple counties |
MJM Electric Cooperative DMR Conventional Networked | Used to conduct day to day operations and dispatching for outages |
Communications Companies
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.350 | WPLH679 | RM | 141.3 PL | Datatronics1 | Datatronics (Greenville) (base to xx) [Expired 5/22] | FMN | Business |
Warner Communications (IE/Whiteside)
Former IE Communications (of Trenton) Whiteside / Pakosta - RF Services / Peter Gray
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.650 | WNGV585 | RM | 432 DPL | WS 463.65 A | Whiteside, Ron (Sorento) | FMN | Business |
461.600 | WPKA626 | RM | 67.0 PL | 461.6 67.0 | farmers (Whiteside, Ron; Sorento) | FMN | Business |
461.825 | WPKA617 | RM | IECom 461825 | Operations (Greenville Hospital/College) | FMN | Business | |
463.550 | WPIC225 | RM | 432 DPL | IECom 463550 | Operations (Greenville Hospital/College) | FMN | Business |