Washington County / Clackamas County / Newberg

Site: Beaverton Police Department

Unique DB ID: 8581
County: Washington

Beaverton PD uses Service Net (referred to as "City Net") as their dispatch talkgroup, shared with Hillsboro PD from about 0100 to about 0600.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 45.4839 Longitude: -122.8094 Range: 5 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
59824e9b0ABV AUXBeaverton PD 1 AlternateLaw Talk
59856e9d0ABVPD 7Beaverton PD - Tac 2Law Tac
59888e9f0ABVPD 6Beaverton PD - Tac 1Law Tac
59952ea30ABVPD 5Beaverton PD - DetectivesLaw Tac
59984ea50ABVPD 4Beaverton PD - RecordsLaw Tac
60016ea70ABVPD 2Beaverton PD 2Law Dispatch
60048ea90ABVPD 1Beaverton PD 1Law Dispatch