Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (Motorola)

Site: Department of Corrections

Unique DB ID: 4940
County: Statewide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.7500 Longitude: -97.4700 Range: 200 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45360b130ADOC TransportsPrisoner TransportsCorrections
45392b150ALARC PrisonLexington Assessment and Reception Center (LARC)Corrections
45424b170AJoe Harp PrisonJoseph Harp Correctional Center (Near Lexington)Corrections
45488b1b0AMabelBasetPrisn1Mabel Basset Prison 1 (Near McLoud)Corrections
45520b1d0AMabelBasetPrisn2Mabel Basset Prison 2 (Near McLoud)Corrections
45552b1f0AKateBarnardPrisnKate Barnard Correctional Center (OKC)Corrections
46256b4b0ADOC Fugitives 2Fugitive Apprehension (old)Corrections
63056f650ADOC FugitivesFugitive AprehensionCorrections