OneVoice Network

Site: Orange and Rockland Utilities

Unique DB ID: 30676
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.3500 Longitude: -74.2000 Range: 30 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
500011TO&R Elec EastElectric - EasternUtilities
500012TO&R Elec WestElectric - WesternUtilities
500013TO&R Gas EastGas - EasternUtilities
500014TO&R Gas Cen/WstGas - Central and WesternUtilities
500018TO&R Mayday ChMayday ChannelUtilities
500019TO&R Mayday ChMayday ChannelUtilities
500020TO&R Elec CentralElectric - CentralUtilities
500021TO&R SysOp ChSystem Operator ChannelUtilities