San Bernardino County 08

Site: CommCenter (CONFIRE JPA)

Unique DB ID: 2484
County: San Bernardino

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.0030 Longitude: -116.0596 Range: 120 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1904770A8-Fire-1Dispatch and Command - Mountains (Patched to 159.120 MHz, 167.9 PL)Fire Dispatch
1936790A8-Fire-2Command/Response - Cajon Pass (Patched to 1-Fire-1)Fire Dispatch
2096830A8-FTac-1Countywide Tac 1 (Patched to All Systems)Interop
2128850A8-FTac-2Countywide Tac 2 (Patched to All Systems)Interop
22568d0A8-Fgnd-1Fireground 1 - MountainsFire-Tac
22888f0A8-Fgnd-2Fireground 2 - Cajon Pass, MountainsFire-Tac
160163e90A8-ComCtrCommunications Center - Air Ambulance/After Hours Local Government Contact (Patched to All Systems)Multi-Dispatch