Spotsylvania County

Site: Schools

Unique DB ID: 24015
County: Spotsylvania

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.1835 Longitude: -77.6497 Range: 25 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
71011bbdTSpotSchActivity1Activity 1 (Ch. 5 on school portables)Schools
71061bc2TSpotSch SpNd/SchSpecial Needs Bus Dispatcher to SchoolsSchools
71101bc6TBattlefield ES 1Battlefield Elementary School (Ch. 1)Schools
71111bc7TBattlefield ES 2Battlefield Elementary School (Ch. 2)Schools
71121bc8TBattlefield ES 3Battlefield Elementary School (Ch. 3)Schools
71201bd0TBattlefldMS 7120Battlefield Middle SchoolSchools
71211bd1TBattlefldMS 7121Battlefield Middle SchoolSchools
71301bdaTBerkeley ES 7130Berkeley Elementary SchoolSchools
71311bdbTBerkeley ES 7131Berkeley Elementary SchoolSchools
71401be4TBrock Rd ES 1Brock Road Elementary School (Ch. 1)Schools
71411be5TBrock Rd ES 2Brock Road Elementary School (Ch. 2)Schools
71421be6TBrock Rd ES 3Brock Road Elementary School (Ch. 3)Schools
71601bf8TChancellor ES Chancellor Elementary SchoolSchools
71611bf9TChancellor ES 2Chancellor Elementary School (Ch. 2)Schools
71701c02TChancellor HS 1Chancellor High School (Ch. 1)Schools
71711c03TChancellor HS 2Chancellor High School (Ch. 2)Schools
71721c04TChancellor HS 3Chancellor High School (Ch. 3)Schools
71801c0cTChancellor MS 1Chancellor Middle School (Ch. 1)Schools
71811c0dTChancellor MS 2Chancellor Middle School (Ch. 2)Schools
71821c0eTChancellor MS 3Chancellor Middle School (Ch. 3)Schools
72001c20TCourthouseRdES 1Courthouse Road Elementary School (Ch. 1)Schools
72011c21TCourthouseRdES 2Courthouse Road Elementary School (Ch. 2)Schools
72021c22TCourthouseRdES 3Courthouse Road Elementary School (Ch. 3)Schools
72101c2aTCourtland ES 1Courtland Elementary School (Ch. 1)Schools
72111c2bTCourtland ES 2Courtland Elementary School (Ch. 2)Schools
72121c2cTCourtland ES 3Courtland Elementary School (Ch. 3)Schools
72401c48TFreedom MS 7240Freedom Middle SchoolSchools
72411c49TFreedom MS 7241Freedom Middle SchoolSchools
72421c4aTFreedom MS 3Freedom Middle School (Ch. 3)Schools
72431c4bTFreedom MS 4Freedom Middle School (Ch. 4)Schools
72501c52THarr Rd ES 7250Harrison Road Elementary SchoolSchools
72511c53THarr Rd ES 7251Harrison Road Elementary SchoolSchools
72521c54THarr Rd ES 3Harrison Road Elementary School (Ch. 3)Schools
72601c5cTJJWright ECC 1John J. Wright Educational and Cultural Center/Courthouse Academy (Ch. 1)Schools
72611c5dTJJWright ECC 2John J. Wright Educational and Cultural Center/Courthouse Academy (Ch. 2)Schools
72801c70TLivingstonES7280Livingston Elementary SchoolSchools
72811c71TLivingstonES7281Livingston Elementary SchoolSchools
72821c72TLivingston ES 3Livingston Elementary School (Ch. 3)Schools
73301ca2TRiverbend HS 1Riverbend High School (Ch. 1)Schools
73311ca3TRiverbend HS 2Riverbend High School (Ch. 2)Schools
73401cacTRiverviewES 7340Riverview Elementary SchoolSchools
73411cadTRiverviewES 7341Riverview Elementary SchoolSchools
73501cb6TSalem ESSalem Elementary SchoolSchools
73511cb7TSalem ES 2Salem Elementary School (Ch. 2)Schools
73701ccaTSpotswoodES 7370Spotswood Elementary SchoolSchools
73711ccbTSpotswoodES 7371Spotswood Elementary SchoolSchools
74101cf2TSpotsylvaniaMS 1Spotsylvania Middle School (Ch. 1)Schools
74201cfcTThornburgMS 7420Thornburg Middle SchoolSchools
74211cfdTThornburgMS 7421Thornburg Middle SchoolSchools
74301d06TWilderness ES 1Wilderness Elementary School (Ch. 1)Schools
74311d07TWilderness ES 2Wilderness Elementary School (Ch. 2)Schools
74321d08TWilderness ES 3Wilderness Elementary School (Ch. 3)Schools
75011d4dTSpotSch AdminAdministrationSchools
75041d50TSpotSch Trns/SchTransportation to SchoolsSchools
75051d51TSpotSch SpNdBusSpecial Needs BusesSchools
75061d52TSpotSch BusGarBus GarageSchools
75071d53TSpotSch RegBusRegular BusesSchools
75081d54TSpotSch Maint 1Maintenance 1Schools
75091d55TSpotSch Maint 2Maintenance 2Schools
75111d57TSpotSch SRO SpEvSRO/Security Special EventsSecurity
75131d59TSpotSch Tech 1Technology 1Schools
75141d5aTSpotSch BusEmrg?Buses - Emergency?/Events (Bus Road-e-o 2018)Schools
75181d5eTSpotSch TransAdmTransportation AdminSchools