Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T

Site: Gibson County (26)

Unique DB ID: 22181
County: Gibson

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.3553 Longitude: -87.5675 Range: 25 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2123252f0D26-EMA DISPCounty EMA DispatchEmergency Ops
2123352f1D26-EMA OPS 1County EMA Operations 1Emergency Ops
2123452f2D26-EMA OPS 2County EMA Operations 2Emergency Ops
2123552f3D26-EMS DISPCounty EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
2123652f4D26-EMS OPSCounty EMS OperationsEMS-Tac
2123752f5D26-GFD DISPCounty Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
2123852f6D26-GFD FG 1County Fireground 1Fire-Tac
2123952f7D26-GFD FG 2County Fireground 2Fire-Tac
2124052f8D26-GFD FG 3County Fireground 3Fire-Tac
2124152f9D26-GFD FG 4County Fireground 4Fire-Tac
2124252faD26-GFD FG 5County Fireground 5Fire-Tac
2124352fbD26-PPD CARPrinceton Police Car to CarLaw Talk
2124452fcD26-PPD DISPPrinceton Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
2124552fdD26-PPD OPS 1Princeton Police Operations 1Law Tac
2124652feD26-PPD OPS 2Princeton Police Operations 2Law Tac
2124752ffD26-SLE CARSheriff Car to CarLaw Talk
212485300D26-SLE CERTSheriff Emergency Response TeamLaw Tac
212495301D26-SLE COMSheriff CommonLaw Tac
212505302D26-SLE DISPSheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
212515303D26-SLE JAIL1Sheriff Jail Operations 1Corrections
212525304D26-SLE JAIL2Sheriff Jail Operations 2Corrections
212535305D26-SLE OPS 1Sheriff Operations 1Law Tac
212545306D26-SLE OPS 2Sheriff Operations 2Law Tac