Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)

Site: St Louis Region Interoperability / Tactical

Unique DB ID: 22058
County: St. Louis

The following (10301-10311) may be used by all city departments

St. Louis City Database Page    St. Louis County Database Page

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.6470 Longitude: -90.2380 Range: 7.834 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10301283dDeSL Citywide TacCCitywide - Tactical C [TACT C]Interop
10302283eDeSL Citywide TacDCitywide - Tactical D [TACT D]Interop
10303283fDeSL Citywide TacGCitywide - Tactical G [TACT G]Interop
103042840DSL Region Tac 1Interop/Tac 1 [STL-RGN 1]Interop
103052841DSL RegionTac 2Interop/Tac 2 [STL-RGN 2]Interop
103062842DSL Region Tac 3Interop/Tac 3 [STL-RGN 3]Interop
103072843DSL Region Tac 4Interop/Tac 4 [STL-RGN 4]Interop
103122848DSL Citywide TacHCitywide - Tactical H [TACT H]Interop
199964e1cDSLC EMS ATGCity EMS - Announcement [ATG]EMS Dispatch
199984e1eDSLC Services ATGCity Services - Announcement [ATG]Multi-Dispatch
199994e1fDSLC Fire ATGFire - Announcement [ATG]Fire Dispatch
200004e20DeSLC Police ATGPolice - Announcement [ATG]Law Dispatch