Knoxville-Knox County Public Safety

Site: Knox County Schools

Unique DB ID: 21017
County: Knox

 Note: School Security is employed by Knox County Schools. Knox County Sheriff and Knoxville Police also have officers (SRO'S OR SPO'S) in the schools. Knox County Sheriff and Knoxville Police SRO'S or SPO'S are on their Dispatch Channels. Knox Sheriff SRO'S OR SPO'S unit numbers are in the 700's. Knoxville Police SRO'S OR SPO'S unit numbers are in the 330's and 340's.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.9606 Longitude: -83.9207 Range: 25 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
15045e0AEDU A DISPChannel A: School Security DispatchSecurity
15205f0AEDU-D-OPSChannel D: School Security OperationsSecurity
1536600AEDU B BACKUPChannel B: School Security BackupSecurity
1600640AEDU C SCHOOLChannel C: School Security to Knox County E-911Interop