Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo

Site: Tribal Public Safety

Unique DB ID: 20405

 The talkgroups of 5001; 5011; and 5013 aren't patched all the time, also EPPD officers roam onto these talkgroups.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 31.6676 Longitude: -106.3102 Range: 10 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1001DFire Disp.Fire Department Dispatch (Patched from EPFD Main Dispatch)Fire Dispatch
41029DEPFDMedTac1Fire Department/EPFD MedTac 1 (Patched from ELP TRS)Fire-Tac
50011389DPD-ElPaso PDPolice to El Paso Police Department Citywide/Info 1 (Not Patched all the time)Law Talk
50111393DPD-PebleHilsPolice to Pebble Hills Patrol Dispatch (Not patched all the time)Law Talk
50131395DPD-MissVallyPolice to Mission Valley Patrol Dispatch (Not patched all the time)Law Talk