San Bernardino County Ontario Mills Mall

Site: Ontario

Unique DB ID: 17483
County: San Bernardino

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 34.0726 Longitude: -117.5518 Range: 1 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1904770AOtoFD DispFire Dispatch (Patched to 9-Fire Dispatch)Fire Dispatch
2096830AFire Cmd 2Fire Command 2 (Patched to 9-FCmd-2)Fire-Tac
2128850AFire Cmd 1Fire Command 1 (Patched to 9-FCmd-1)Fire-Tac
2384950AEMS TacEMS Tactical (Patched to 9-EMS)EMS-Tac
25129d0AFire Tac 4Fire Tactical 4 (Patched to 9-FTac-4)Fire-Tac
2576a10AFire Tac 1Fire Tactical 1 (Patched to 9-FTac-1)Fire-Tac
2608a30AFire Tac 5Fire Tactical 5 (Patched to 9-FTac-5)Fire-Tac
2736ab0AFire Tac 2Fire Tactical 2 (Patched to 9-FTac-2)Fire-Tac
2768ad0AFire Tac 6Fire Tactical 6 (Patched to 9-FTac-6)Fire-Tac
2800af0AFire Tac 3Fire Tactical 3 (Patched to 9-FTac-3)Fire-Tac
2832b10AFire Cmd 3Fire Command 3 (Patched to 9-FCmd-3)Fire-Tac
44961190AFire EmerOpsFire - Firefighter Distress/Emergency Assistance Operations (Patched to 9-EmerOps)Fire-Tac
83042070AOtoPD-4Police Tactical 2 (Patched to 9-OtoPD-4)Law Tac
83362090AOtoPD-1Police Dispatch (Patched to 9-OtoPD-1)Law Dispatch