DeKalb County Public Safety P25

Site: Georgia State Patrol

Unique DB ID: 16703
County: DeKalb

 GSP has "back-up" talkgroups on the DeKalb County P25 system that are rarely used. GSP's primary operations in DeKalb County are on the GSP talkgroups on the City of Atlanta P25 system.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 33.7504 Longitude: -84.2333 Range: 25 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6173181dDGSP PrivateGSP Back-Up PrivateLaw Tac
6174181eDGSP MainGSP Back-Up DispatchLaw Dispatch
6175181fDGSP Tac 1GSP Back-Up Tac 1Law Tac