Academy Sports and Outdoors Distribution Center

Site: All

Unique DB ID: 16006

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 29.7964 Longitude: -95.7520 Range: 5 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
0-07-103AMaint MechMaintenance Mechanical?Business
0-07-104AMaint ElecMaintenance Electrical?Business
0-07-107AWkend CtrlControl on the weekend?Business
0-15-110AShippingOpsShipping OperationsBusiness
0-15-111AWhse CtrlWarehouse ControlBusiness
0-15-113AWhse OpsWarehouse OperationsBusiness
0-15-116ALdDks OpsLoading Docks OperationsBusiness
0-15-117ALdDks CtrlLoading Docks ControlBusiness