Countywide Coordinated Communications System (CCCS)

Site: Countywide Interoperability (TAN)

Unique DB ID: 1589
County: Orange

For interop between police, fire, lifeguard and public works countywide.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 33.6697 Longitude: -117.7752 Range: 22 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62561870ATAN-CALLCountywide Calling (Any Unit to Control 1) (9A)Interop
62881890ATAN-NCountywide Interop - North (9B)Interop
632018b0ATAN-SCountywide Interop - South (9C)Interop
635218d0ATAN-1Countywide Interop Tac - North Cell (9D)Interop
638418f0ATAN-2Countywide Interop Tac - Northwest Cell (9E)Interop
64161910ATAN-3Countywide Interop Tac - South Cell (9F)Interop
64481930ATAN-4Countywide Interop Tac - Southwest Cell (9G)Interop
64801950ATAN-5Countywide Interop Tac - Laguna Cell (9H)Interop
65121970ATAN-6Countywide Interop Tac - Countywide Cell (9I)Interop
3068877e0DETAN-7Countywide Interop TacInterop
307207800DETAN-89K Joint Hazmat Assessment TeamInterop