Attractions / Ponderosa Sun Club

Subcategory: Ponderosa Sun Club

Unique DB ID: 83643

NOTE: The Radio's Are Leased and could change every year.

Be advised specific operations were interchanging channels. Security could be heard speaking to people on different channels, hosts, stage, parking, Admin, could be heard speaking to people on different channels.
No FCC Data on these freq's out of Newton County. 

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.01392 Longitude: -87.44920 Range: 25 Type: Inherited


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
456.2875 M SunClubHosts Hosts FMN Business
456.5375 M SunClubPool&Stag Pool and Stage (for events) FMN Business
457.8875 M SunClubParking Parking FMN Business
466.1375 M SunClubSecurity Security FMN Business
467.5125 M SunClubPro "Pro Channel" sounded like administrators FMN Business