Businesses / Businesses

Subcategory: Religious

Unique DB ID: 81343

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 27.89613 Longitude: -82.70816 Range: 25 Type: Inherited


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.1125WQYF888 RM 146.2 PL HCC CH 1 Harborside Christian Church (Main) FMN Business
463.550WQYF888 M 146.2 PL HCC CH 2 Harborside Christian Church FMN Business
468.550WQYF888 M 146.2 PL HCC CH 16 Harborside Christian Church FMN Business
461.400WPJJ838 RM Scientology400 Church of Scientology DMRE Business
462.750WQHJ888 B ScientologyPagng Church of Scientology - Paging Telm Data
463.2125WPJJ838 RM Scientology2125 Church of Scientology DMRE Business
464.375WPJJ838 RM CC 1
TG 500
SL 1
ScientologySec Church of Scientology (Clearwater) - Security DMRE Security
464.775WPJJ838 RM Scientology775 Church of Scientology DMRE Business