McHenry County / Consolidated Dispatch Centers

Subcategory: Northeast Regional Dispatch Communications Center (NERCOM)

Unique DB ID: 78344

* Fire East: 155.790 (repeats 153.800?) 77.0 PL (also reported as 162.2 PL); 154.385 (repeats 159.270) 146.2 PL (McHenry Township); Fire West: 155.5575 203.5 PL (Woodstock), 155.5725 82.5 PL (Marengo and Union) and 154.130 146.2 PL (Woodstock).

* See the wiki page for a list of agencies dispatched by NERCOM.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
NERCOM dispatches a number of police agencies on 34xx-series talkgroups. Beginning in early August 2020, NERCOM will move dispatch of Cary, Fox River Grove, McHenry Township and Nunda Rural Fire Protection Districts from VHF to STARCOM21 talkgroup 34655 (Fire East Main). See the "McHenry County - NERCOM" subcategory.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.32200 Longitude: -88.45000 Range: 17.87 Type: Defined Coverage


No Frequencies Available for this Subcategory.