DuPage County / Colleges and Universities

Subcategory: Midwestern University (Downers Grove)

Unique DB ID: 37842

See the WIKI for additional frequency information.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.82688 Longitude: -87.99908 Range: 0.5 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.350WPPD638 RM 192.8 PL MU Security Security/Admin Ops FMN Security
451.475WPPD638 RM 179.9 PL MU Engineers Building Engineers FMN Schools
452.8125 RM 043 DPL MU A/V IT A/V or Computer Services FMN Schools
452.9875 RM 627 DPL MU Copy Cntr Copy Center FMN Schools
467.0625WPPV498 M 223 DPL MU Clinic 1 Multispecialty Clinic Ops 1 FMN Schools
467.0125WPPV498 M 532 DPL MU Clinic 2 Multispecialty Clinic Ops 2 FMN Schools