Eastland County / Eastland County

Subcategory: Eastland County

Unique DB ID: 3455

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 32.33347 Longitude: -98.83367 Range: 24 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.580KYC243 RM 103 NAC Eastland SO Prim Sheriff Primary (Digital - mostly encrypted) P25e Law Dispatch
155.580KYC243 RM 94.8 PL Eastland SO Ana Sheriff Primary (Analog - May no longer be used) FM Law Dispatch
155.760WPIS238 RM 94.8 PL Eastld Co FD Fire Primary FM Fire Dispatch
154.130WPMF327 BM Olden VFD Olden Fire Tactical FM Fire-Tac
154.145WNUS628 BM 162.2 PL Gorman VFD Gorman Fire Tactical FM Fire-Tac
154.175WPKL768 BM Desdemona FD Desdemona Fire Tactical FM Fire-Tac
155.385WPPA731 RM 94.8 PL RisingStarFE Rising Star Fire/EMS Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
158.865WPIR604 RM 136.5 PL Eastland R Road and Bridge FM Public Works