Manchester/Boston Regional Airport (MHT) / Manchester Airport (MHT)

Subcategory: Airport Operations

Unique DB ID: 30909

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.99393 Longitude: -71.11633 Range: 22 Type: Inherited


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.375WPWW231 RM 307 NAC MHT Police Law Enforcement Office (Granite 3) P25 Law Dispatch
155.7075KNAO324 BM 351 DPL MHT Security Security Primary FMN Security
153.740KNAO324 RM 351 DPL MHT Ops Operations Primary FMN Business
158.730KNAO324 BM 624 DPL MHT Ops 2 Operations Secondary FMN Business
152.420WPWW231 RM 026 DPL MHT Wildlife Wildlife Patrols and Snow Plows FMN Public Works
151.730WPWW231 RM 031 DPL MHT Plowing Plows and Sanding Ops FMN Public Works
158.340WPWW231 BM 331 DPL MHT Taxiway Taxi Way Ops FMN Public Works
152.315 RM 023 DPL ParkingGarag National Garages FMN Business
159.720WPWW231 BM 664 DPL MHTEF03 Airport Response 03 FMN Military