DuPage County / Schools - Public

Subcategory: Queen Bee School District 16 (Glendale Heights)

Unique DB ID: 28902

See the WIKI for more information.

Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61)
First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.91767 Longitude: -88.07528 Range: 1.6 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.2125WNVH251 RM QBeeSch Ops1 Operations [Expired 1/16] FMN Schools
468.6625WNVH251 M QBeeSch Ops2 Portables [Expired 1/16] FMN Schools
452.3125WQSC675 M 174 DPL GlenHillSchool Glen Hill Elementary School FMN Schools
464.3125 M 311 DPL Glenside MS Glenside Middle School FMN Schools