Severe Weather / Storm Chasers

Subcategory: Amateur Storm Chasers

Unique DB ID: 23168
Note: The use of a CTCSS (PL) tone is designed to help eliminate any bleedover from paging systems and intermod in metropolitan areas. If possible, leave your CTCSS (PL) decoder in open receive mode.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 44.59167 Longitude: -86.47500 Range: 286.2 Type: Inherited


FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
146.550  M 114.8 PL PRIMARY Many Amateur storm chasers use or monitor this frequency FM Ham
146.460  M 114.8 PL SECONDARY Alternate to 146.550 MHz. FM Ham
223.520  M 114.8 PL 1.25 METERS Simplex FM Ham
446.075  M 114.8 PL 70 CM Simplex - (often used for cross patching to 146.550 MHz.) FM Ham
446.100  M 114.8 PL 70 CM ALT Alternate to 446.075 MHz. FM Ham
1,294.550  M 114.8 PL 23 CM Simplex FM Ham