Businesses / Transportation

Subcategory: Americab Inc

Unique DB ID: 17710

This system is used in Half-Duplex Mode. Meaning, the base only transmits on the base frequency and the mobiles answer on the mobile frequency.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.42600 Longitude: -81.65900 Range: 16.97 Type: Inherited


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.100KNED823 B 225.7 PL Americab Dat Americab (data) - Base (paired with 457.100) FM Data
457.100KNED823 M 225.7 PL Americab Dat Americab (data) - Mobile (paired with 452.100) FM Data
452.500KNED823 B 123.0 PL Americab B Dispatch (Voice) - Base (paired with 457.500) FM Transportation
457.500KNED823 M 123.0 PL Americab M Americab - Mobiles (paired with 452.500) FM Transportation