Mobile Relay Associates SoCal NEXEDGE Digital Network

Site: Hyatt Manchester (Downtown San Diego)
Site Number: Decimal: 030 / Hex: 1e
Description: Hyatt Manchester (Downtown San Diego)
Unique DB ID:31672
RAN: 30
County Location: San Diego
Neighbors: 14, 15, 16, 52
Location: Hyatt Grand Hotel
Modulation: N/A
Notes: LCNs seen 3, 28, 85, 154, 277 and 590. 452.6875 was previously submitted but doesn't appear to be a current LCN on this site.
FCC Callsigns:WQSC624 WQTL440 WQUF957

Site Frequency Table

CH ID Frequency
16322 451.00625
16464 451.450
16640 452.000
16848 452.650
17431 454.190625c
20076 462.7375

Site Location Data

Latitude: 32.7104 Longitude: -117.1680 Range: 15 Type: Defined Coverage