ComSouth (Maxie)

Site: Unconfirmed LCN
Site Number: Decimal: 002 / Hex: 2
Description: Unconfirmed LCN
Unique DB ID:16440
County Location: Forrest
Neighbors: N/A
Location: 2 miles NE of intersection of MS Hwy 13 & US Hwy 49
Modulation: 11K2F3E, 11K2F1D
Notes: ASR #: 1216506, Licensee Name: Commercial Communications, LLC
FCC Callsigns:WPRJ820

Site Frequencies

03 452.02504 452.30005 452.650

Site Location Data

Latitude: 30.9549 Longitude: -89.1876 Range: 14 Type: Defined Coverage