Commenco - UHF (Kansas City area)

System Name: Commenco - UHF (Kansas City area)
Location: Kansas City, KS MO
County: 3 Counties
System Type: LTR Passport
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: July 30, 2018, 06:14 am UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes
This system is part of a Multi-Site PassPort trunking system.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
101 (65) Olathe [Unidentified LCN] Johnson, KS 01 452.72502 453.00003 451.837504 452.22505 451.9875 
102 (66) Olathe [Unidentified LCN] Johnson, KS 01 462.10002 452.437503 452.362504 461.55005 452.387506 452.3375
103 (67) Kansas City [Unidentified LCN] Jackson, MO 01 452.275     
104 (68) Fayetteville [Unidentified LCN] (*loc) Johnson, KS 01 451.912502 451.987503 452.212504 453.012505 463.9125 
