Hunt Field Airport (LND) (Fremont County)

Changes and Updates
Last 100 Changes
Changed Admin Date
Changed category from (Airport Operations 99) to (Hunt Field Airport 99)PJH2015-03-14 09:14:10
Changed Subcategory Details For: Air Traffic ControlPJH2015-03-14 09:13:45
Changed Subcategory Details For: UnicomPJH2015-03-14 08:57:27
Sort order changed to from 0 for subcat: AirportsPJH2015-03-14 08:57:02
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 1, Deleted 0) for Airport OperationsPJH2015-03-14 08:57:02
Sort order changed to from 0 for subcat: AirportsPJH2015-03-14 08:57:02
Subcategory: (Airports) migrated to Category (Airport Operations) in Agency: (Hunt Field Airport (LND))PJH2015-03-14 08:56:30
Added category (Airport Operations 99)PJH2015-03-14 08:56:04