Utilities (Gloucester County)

Changes and Updates
Last 100 Changes
Changed Admin Date
Sort order changed to from 0 for subcat: South Jersey Gas CompanyK2YYN2012-04-24 16:37:47
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 2, Deleted 0) for UtilitiesK2YYN2012-04-24 16:37:47
Added Frequency 159.72000 (Mobile to Base)K2YYN2012-04-24 16:37:15
Added Frequency 151.35500 (Base to Mobile)K2YYN2012-04-24 16:36:08
Changed category from (South Jersey Gas Company 99) to (Utilities 99)K2YYN2012-04-24 16:34:44
Added Subcategory: South Jersey Gas CompanyK2YYN2012-04-24 16:34:23
Added category (South Jersey Gas Company 99)K2YYN2012-04-24 16:32:39