System Name: Kinnelon Borough
Location: Kinnelon, NJ
County: Morris
System Type: DMR Conventional Networked
System Voice: DMR
Last Updated: July 23, 2018, 5:50 pm CDT   [General text description updated]
System Notes

This system is protected by RAS. Butler PD units have access to this system for interoperability or backup purposes.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Smoke Rise 477.350 (CC 1)
002 (2) Rickabear 453.250 (CC 1)
003 (3) Elizabeth 453.4125 (CC 1)
004 (4) Denise Drive 453.5125 (CC 1)
005 (5) Fayson Lakes 460.1875 (CC 1)
006 (6) Lincoln Road 460.2125 (CC 1)


DEC Slot Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
11TKinnelon PDPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
Emergency Services
DEC Slot Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1022TKinEmergSvcsEmergency Services InteropInterop
51002TFire 2Fire 2Fire-Talk