Delta Airlines - Memphis International Airport (MEM)

System Name: Delta Airlines - Memphis International Airport (MEM)
Location: Memphis, TN
County: Shelby
System Type: Motorola Type II
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 541E Connect Tone: 97.3
Last Updated: February 16, 2016, 1:48 pm CST   [Changed Site # 001 (Site-1) to 001 (Site-1)]
System Notes

Delta Airlines is currently planning to upgrade this TRS, and several others that they operate at other airports around the nation, to fully compliant Project 25 trunking technology. This project should be completed within the next 2.5 years, with major hub airports given priority consideration. No word on what vendor will receive the contract install the new digital trunking systems. Moreover, nearby public safety first responders, will be given a chance to use this system as a backup, should their primary radio system fail for any reason at Memphis International Airport.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Site-1 935.200935.7375936.200936.7375937.200937.7375938.200c938.7375c


Airport Operations
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1616650AOps 1616OperationsBusiness
1680690AOps 1680OperationsBusiness
17446d0AOps 1744OperationsBusiness
1872750AOps 1872OperationsBusiness
2096830AOps 2096OperationsBusiness
2128850AOps 2128OperationsBusiness
2160870AOps 2160OperationsBusiness
2192890AOps 2192OperationsBusiness
2416970AOps 2416OperationsBusiness