Johnson Communications (SEMO)

System Name: Johnson Communications (SEMO)
Location: SEMO, MO
County: 9 Counties
System Type: LTR Standard
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: November 22, 2011, 02:03 am UTC   [General text description updated]
System Notes


7/11 - Sumbmitter reports:
The tower is no longer there for this Johnson Comm system. It was on a 1040 ft tower that was owned by KTMO radio of Kennett. It was brought down by a crop duster a couple of years ago. I heard they pulled out of Senath after that.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
101 (65) Farmington St. Francois 01 454.72502 463.362503 463.825  
102 (66) Benton Scott 01 452.662502 452.162503 452.987504 464.475 
103 (67) Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau 01 452.387502 452.67503 452.97504 461.487505 461.7875
104 (68) Senath Dunklin 01 463.937502 463.562503 461.762504 462.137505 463.2375
