San Francisco County/City P25

Site: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)

Unique DB ID: 32684
County: San Francisco

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 37.7601 Longitude: -122.4219 Range: 5.8 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1030406TEDPT A1Dept of Parking and Traffic A1 - PCO DispatchLaw Dispatch
1032408TEDPT A2Dept of Parking and Traffic A2 - PTC Administration and EngineeringPublic Works
103440aTEDPT A3Dept of Parking and Traffic A3 - Paint and Traffic Signal ShopsPublic Works
103640cTEDPT A4Dept of Parking and Traffic A4 - Parking Meter and Sign ShopsPublic Works
103840eTEDPT A5Dept of Parking and Traffic A5 - PTC Special EventsPublic Works
1040410TEDPT A6Dept of Parking and Traffic A6 - Traffic Control CenterLaw Talk
1042412TESCOFFParking Scofflaws (also SFPD A15)Law Talk
1044414TETOWParking Tow Desk (also SFPD A16)Law Talk