South Central Interoperability Network

Site: Adams Co Govt

Unique DB ID: 29856
County: Adams

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.8781 Longitude: -77.2174 Range: 18 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
50055c387TCounty DESCounty Department of Emergency ServicesEmergency Ops
50056c388TEducationCounty Department of EducationSchools
50063c38fTHACC GettyHarrisburg Area Comunity College - GettysburgSchools
50064c390TGettysburg CollGettysburg CollegeSchools
50065c391TLutheran SemLutheran SeminarySchools
50066c392TCounty MultiCountywide Multi-TacMulti-Tac