DeKalb County Public Safety

Site: County

Unique DB ID: 29347
County: DeKalb

The Sheriff's Office, Coronor, Animal Control and every police department in the county (except DeKalb city PD) is dispatched on Ch 1 (TG 148) with the exception of Genoa & Sycamore being dispatched on Ch 2 (TG 174) from 0630-1830 hours daily. Every PD has a talkgroup for talk-around, local events, and interop with fire agencies within the county.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.8921 Longitude: -88.7778 Range: 20 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2801cTCounty FireFire: Dispatch - Patch (of 153.485)Fire Dispatch
3001eTECourths SecurityCourthouse SecuritySecurity
32020TEDeKalb EventsEventsLaw Tac
84054TECorrections MainCorrections: MainCorrections
148094TSheriff/RuralLawSheriff/Rural Law: DispatchLaw Dispatch
1740aeTSycamore/GenoaPDSycamore/Genoa Police (0630-1830 hours daily)Law Dispatch
1790b3TEC/W Law Tac 2Countywide Law - Tactical 2Law Tac