University of Central Florida

Site: Student Development and Enrollment Services

Unique DB ID: 28095
County: Orange

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 28.6020 Longitude: -81.2001 Range: 1 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
14TOPEN HOUSEOpen HouseSchools
54TCAREER SRVCSCareer ServicesSchools
60TCreative SchoolCreative SchoolSchools
62TSDES ADMINAdmin Schools
73TOrientation (FYAOrientation (FYAE)Schools
74TSophomore and SeSophomore and Second Year (SSYC)Schools
75TStudent Success Student Success Center (SSC)Schools
89TUpward Bound (UBUpward Bound (UBP)Schools
94TWellness and HeaWellness and Health Promo Svcs (WHPS)Schools
110TOrientation SupeOrientation SupervisorSchools
115TUnder Grad ADMUnder Grad ADMSchools