Summit County (P25)

Site: Green/Coventry/Springfield/Lakemore

Unique DB ID: 26366
County: Summit

 Springfield Township and Lakemore PD use SO Dispatch 1 and Services

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 40.9752 Longitude: -81.4753 Range: 5.7 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2169879DCOM 1COM 1Fire Dispatch
217587fDCOM 4COM 4Fire-Talk
220589dD16 OPS16 OPSFire-Tac
220789fD19 OPS19 OPSFire-Tac
22098a1D21 OPS21 OPSFire-Tac
22118a3D31 OPS31 OPSFire-Tac
2311907DSPD PRVSpringfield Twp Police PrivateLaw Tac
2325915DLK/ST FD-PDLakemore/Springfield Twp FD-PDInterop
2327917DALERT 16Coventry Fire Tone-OutFire Dispatch
2329919DALERT 19Green Fire Tone-OutFire Dispatch
233191bDALERT 21Lakemore Fire Tone-OutFire Dispatch
233391dDALERT 31Springfield Fire Tone-OutFire Dispatch