Hershey Entertainment and Resorts

Site: Hotel Hershey

Unique DB ID: 25330
County: Dauphin

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 40.2859 Longitude: -76.6502 Range: 18 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
105THotel SecurityHotel Hershey - SecuritySecurity
106THotel EngHotel Hershey - Eng.Business
107THotel FoHHotel Hershey - Front of HouseBusiness
108THotel BanquetsHotel Hershey - BQT/AV/CIY/STWBusiness
109THotel CPMHotel Hershey - CPMBusiness
110THotel HskpgHotel Hershey - HousekeepingBusiness
111THotel RecHotel Hershey - RecBusiness
112THotel RmSrv/BevHotel Hershey - Room Service / Food & BeverageBusiness
113THotel Sec/Eng 2Hotel Hershey - Security / Eng. 2Business