State of Colorado DTRS

Site: Colorado Search and Rescue

Unique DB ID: 2429
County: Systemwide

Search and Rescue (SAR) groups that operate statewide are listed here. SAR groups that only operate within a certain county or town will be listed within that county

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.9972 Longitude: -105.5478 Range: 235 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
12224c6DCO SAR CordStatewide SAR CoordinatorsEmergency Ops
1540604DAlpine RescueAlpine Rescue TeamEmergency Ops
2102836DColorado STARColorado STAREmergency Ops
89642304DCO SAR Tac-1Statewide SAR Tac 1Emergency Ops
90562360DRampart SARRampart Search and RescueEmergency Ops
95562554DRckyMtnRscueRocky Mountain Rescue GroupEmergency Ops
120522f14DCO SAR Tac 2Statewide SAR Tac 2Emergency Ops
120532f15DCO SAR Tac 3Statewide SAR Tac 3Emergency Ops