BearCom Trunk (900)

Site: Miscellaneous

Unique DB ID: 24030
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.6668 Longitude: -70.2495 Range: 30 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
240TPatriotTaxiPatriot Taxi (Revere)Transportation
255TRoyal TaxiRoyal Taxi (Revere)Transportation
280TDandD TowingD and D TowingBusiness
358TCape CabCape CabTransportation
382TBosHrbWtrTaxBoston Harbor Cruises Water TaxiTransportation
394TNE The RideNational Express The RideTransportation
428TSchool BusSchool BusesTransportation