Metropolitan Area Regional Radio System (MARRS)

Site: Medical Helicopters

Unique DB ID: 16817
County: Systemwide
LifeFlight Eagle has four helicopters based in Chillicothe, Odessa, Clinton and Harrisonville, MO for medical emergency transports in the KC area..,
LifeFlight Eagle also has a specialized pediatric transport helicopter stationed at Children's Mercy in KC..
Life Star has two helicopters based in Lawrence, KS and Lees Summit, MO.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.1000 Longitude: -94.5920 Range: 100 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
318427c62DLifeFlight EagleLifeFlight Eagle DispatchEMS Dispatch
318737c81DLife Star Life Star DispatchEMS Dispatch