University of Wisconsin - Madison Maintenance

Site: All

Unique DB ID: 11115

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 43.0667 Longitude: -89.4335 Range: 25 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
0-01-005ABPDBradley, Phillips, Dejope and other lakeshore dormsSchools
0-01-015AChadChadbourne HallSchools
0-01-025AEWElizabeth Waters and other lakeshore dormsSchools
0-01-035ASellerySellery HallSchools
0-01-045AHSKPG AHousekeeping ASchools
0-01-055AWitteWitte HallSchools
0-01-065ATASTripp , Adams , Slichter and other lakeshore dormsSchools
0-01-075AALL CALLALL CALLSchools
0-01-085AMOSSMerit, Ogg, Smith, Susan DavisSchools